Rest in Bacon Heaven, Lord Tubbington

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Summary: Lord Tubbington is spending his last day with Brittany and Santana

Santana had come home from a long day at the studio. Her album was about to drop and it was expected to be the best one yet.
"Brittany!" She called out. She didn't get an answer.
"Maybe she went to the store." She muttered to herself. She walked towards the bedroom. Brittany was on the bed, holding Lord Tubbington. Tears fell out of her eyes.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Santana asked, hugging Brittany
"He's dying." Her voice cracked. She cradled him. Lord Tubbington was in his last day. Santana had known since last week. He ate very little and he could barely move. He was old. He wouldn't last much longer.
"I'm sorry, Britt." They sat together. Brittany petted his head.
"I'm glad he gets to spend his last moments with me." She smiled
"Yea." Santana rubbed Brittany's hand
"Can you say something about him?"
"Umm.. Lord Tubbington, you were a good cat. You made Brittany very happy and you always looked at her lovingly. I didn't like you very much in the beginning, but you grew on me. I'm going to miss you Lord Tubbington." Santana said getting teary eyed.
"I guess it's my turn to say goodbye. I love you so much Lord Tubbington. You were the best cat in the world. You always made me feel better. You like bacon. I'll always remember that. You like to cuddle. I'm going to miss you." She kissed the top of his head. They sat on the bed waiting for Lord Tubbington to take his last breaths. Brittany and Santana continued to pet him. An hour later, Lord Tubbington had passed. Brittany broke down in tears.
"I love you Lord Tubbington." She repeated. Santana just hugged the blonde and didn't let go.
Santana found herself shedding a few tears. Lord Tubbington had found a way into her heart and now that he was gone she would miss him.
"It's okay, Britt. He's out of pain now. It's better for him this way." She comforted. They buried Lord Tubbington in the backyard.
"Rest in bacon heaven, Lord Tubbington." Brittany placed a flower on the ground. They stood there for a few moments before walking back into the house, leaving the cat to rest peacefully.

First one-shot. I promise the next few won't be this depressing. These are just one shots that don't fit into any of my stories.

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