Sick Day

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Summary: Quinn gets the flu. Santana and Brittany come to visit her.

Quinn felt miserable. Her nose was stuffed up and she was forced to breathe from her mouth. She had headache and she was filled with mucus.
She had been in bed all day. The only time she was allowed to move was when she had to go to the bathroom. She heard someone knock on her door.
"Come in." She spoke softly
"Hey Q! We brought you a present!" Brittany said, loudly. Quinn winced
"No too loud, Britt." Santana told the blonde. Brittany pouted
"It's alright, B." She cleared her throat. Brittany handed her a stuffed animal.
"I chose it myself." Brittany smiled at her.
"It's cute. Thank you."
"Q, why didn't you go to school?" Brittany was completely oblivious to the fact that Quinn was sick. 
"I'm sick."
"Oh, so we can't have a sleepover?"
"Britt, we can't sleepover. Quinn needs to rest." Santana explained to her. Brittany's eyes began to water
"We can have a sleepover, B." She hated to see Brittany cry.
"Really?" She immediately brightened up.
"Let's watch a movie!"
"Okay, you choose the movie." Brittany began to look through the movie collection. Santana sat down next to Quinn.
"Don't get to close, San. I'm contagious."
"Please, I don't get sick and Brittany already got her flu shot. We should be safe." She responded. Quinn sneezed into a tissue.
"Bless you, Q." Brittany chirped.
"Thank you." Quinn sniffled.
"Santana, you didn't bless Q. That's rude." Brittany frowned at her
"Oh, Bless you, Quinn." Santana was whipped. She did everything Brittany told her. Quinn laughed at the fact, but it soon turned it to a coughing fit. Santana rubbed her back. The fit died down a few minutes.
Brittany finally settled on watching Jurassic Park. The three girl laid on the bed. She could barely even concentrate on the movie. Brittany was very in to it and Santana was only watching it for Brittany's sake. When the movie ended it was Quinn's turn to pick the movie. She chose mean girls.
"Quinn, we've watched that movie a thousand times. It's so boring." Santana whined. Judy walked into the room
"Alright girls, Quinn has to sleep now."
"Mom, it's like 8:00 at night."
"It's 11:00 P.M."
"Can they sleep over?"
"I don't know, Quinn. We don't want to risk contagion."
"They both got flu shots. They'll be fine." It wasn't completely a lie. Brittany had her flu shot. Santana did not.
"Alright, I'll get the inflatable mattress." Judy went to find the mattress. She came back a few minutes. They inflated it.
"Now go to sleep." Judy turned off the lights.
"So, what do we do know?" Brittany asked
"Sleep, Brittany." Santana told her
"But I'm not tired."
"Just count sheep."
"Ok." Brittany counted and named the sheep. Around the 125th sheep she began to drift off.
"I think Brittany fell asleep." Santana to look at Brittany
"Yea she did." Quinn coughed quietly
"She has way too much energy."
"I sometimes wonder what would happen if we gave her an energy drink."
"She'd be bouncing off the walls for days." Santana laughed
"For weeks." Quinn smiled
"What's wrong?"
"Brittany kicked me."
"She moves a lot in her sleep." Quinn observed as Brittany rolled over and slapped her hand onto Santana's thigh
"Fuck! That hurt." Santana mumbled
"Maybe she should sleep on her own mattress. You can come up here if you want." Quinn suggested
"I'm going up there." Santana laid down next to Quinn.
"This stupid headache won't go away." Quinn groaned
"Here, I'll help." Santana began massaging Quinn's temples.
"That feels good. Who taught you this?"
"My mom does it when I have a headache."
"Sometimes I think your mom is a witch. She's the best at everything." Quinn said, closing her eyes. Quinn suddenly let out a sneeze. It sprayed Santana
"I'm so sorry."
"I needed a shower. Thanks."
"I didn't mean it."
"I'm playing, Q. I know you didn't mean it." Santana giggled. She yawned "I'm going to sleep, Q. Good night." Santana rolled over. Quinn closed her eyes and drifted off.
The next morning she woke up feeling better.
"Hey Q!" Brittany greeted
"Hey Britt."
"Are you feeling better?" Brittany grabbed Quinn's hand
"I feel so much better." She smiled. Santana woke up a few minutes later.
"Morning." Quinn chirped. The Latina didn't respond. Santana sneezed
"I hate you, Quinn Fabray." Santana glared at Quinn.

Hey guys! Hope your having a wonderful day. I think the next one shot is going to be a Santana's sick day.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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