Father-Daughter Dance

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Summary: Santana and her dad dancing on her wedding day

Santana took a deep breath. She put her head on her father's shoulder as they danced. The room was silent and the classical version of the song, She's leaving home by The Beatles, played in the background.
"Can't believe you're getting married already. Just yesterday you were my little girl." Carlos said, twirling Santana.
"Time flies, papí. I can't stay little forever, but I'll always be your little girl." Santana said as a tear slid down her face. Carlos wiped it away
"Remember when I use to tell you that one day you'd make your husband."
"Yes." Santana nodded
"Well, forget the guys, I hope you make Brittany very happy and I hope she makes you happy as well."
"I will. Thanks for everything, papí. I owe you and mamá everything." Carlos finally shed a tear.
"You don't have to thank us. You were our little miracle. You were the one thing that bring your mother and I even closer."
"I love you, papí. I'll always love you." Santana cried.
"Love you too, princess. Now go and dance with your wife." Carlos kissed her cheek and let her go. She watched as his daughter made way to her wife. Brittany wiped Santana's tears and smiled at her. In that moment, Carlos was sure that Brittany was the one for Santana.
His little girl was all grown up. She had blossomed into the young woman right in front of his eyes. Yes, she caused him headaches, but he would give anything up for her.
His little girl was no longer his. She now belonged to her beautiful wife, but at least he knew she was happy.

I was just thinking of the wedding and noticed how Santana's father didn't appear. So I whipped this up. Hope y'all like this
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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