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Summary: Late night store run

"Mm?" Quinn asked sleepily.
"I want some french fries."
"Now?!" It was 2 am and frankly Quinn would rather be sleeping.
"The baby wants it." Santana said rubbing her swollen belly.
"Okay." Quinn sighed as she got up. "Where do you want them from?"
She was on her way home when Santana called.
"Can you go get some ice cream too? Chocolate."
"Sure." She quickly stopped buy a liquor store. Just when she grabbed it her phone rang.
"Some soda too. Coke."
"Whatever you want." She grabbed a bottle of coke. Her phone rang again.
"Some Snickers and gummy bears. Also, pistachios."
"Got it." And again.
"BBQ chips?"
"Sure." And again.
"Sour patch kids."
"Yup." And again.
"Some chocolate covered pretzels."
"Right away."
She walked over to the counter and piled all the things up.
"Pregnant?" The cashier asked.
"My wife actually. She gets cravings at the most random times. How'd you guess?"
"Only someone who was high or someone who is pregnant would buy such an assortment of things at this time at night. You don't look high so I assumed you were expecting."
"It's exhausting. It's always at night when they happen." She yawned.
"My wife use to make me do midnight runs too. Man, I spent too many sleepless nights running around town. In the end though, she was happy and that's all that really mattered. Good luck."
She entered her home. Santana was waiting for her on the couch watching television. She handed Santana the bag of goodies. She immediately dug in.
"You're amazing. Thank you." Santana gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
Quinn smiled as she watched her wife. One hand was resting on her belly and she looked beautiful. Quinn really didn't care that her wife had woken her up in the ungodly hours of the morning. Santana was happy and that was all that really mattered.

Here is the second part to yesterday's Drabble. I think it's so cute. Tell me what you guys think. Feedback is always appreciated.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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