Cherry Wine

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Summary: Songfic: Cherry wine by Hoizer. Santana is in an abusive relationship.

Santana had fallen in love so easily. How could she not? She was beautiful, graceful, sophisticated. She caught the attention of everyone in the room. She was so perfect. Everyone just assumed that she was. No one could see the one flaw hidden behind her mask.

Her eyes and words are so icy
Oh but she burns
Like rum on the fire
Hot and fast and angry as she can be
I walk my days on a wire.

"You dumb bitch! You are useless. You can't do anything right!" She yelled. The words hurt, but her glare was the thing that sent chills down her eyes. Her cold, angry eyes. They gave no comfort, no passion, no love. Instead, they were burning with anger and with hate. Santana whimpered. She knew what was coming next.

It looks ugly, but it's clean,
Oh momma, don't fuss over me.
The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.

Santana felt her fist collide with cheek. She couldn't do anything to stop it. She wasn't strong enough. She took it all. All the kicks and punches she just allowed it to happen. There was nothing she could do. There was no way out.
"Bebe, what happened to your cheek?" Maribel gasped.
"I tripped on the carpet and hit my head on the sink. You know me, I'm so clumsy." Maribel frowned. Her daughter had been developing so many bruises in the past months. Santana was never clumsy.
"Are you sure you fell, mi amor?"
"Yes, mami. I fell."

Calls of guilty thrown at me
All while she stains
The sheets of some other
Thrown at me so powerfully
Just like she throws with the arm of her brother.
But I want it
It's a crime
That she's not around most of the time.
The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
Blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.

It was always her fault. She was always out of line. She was always doing something wrong. She was always making some sort of mistake. "You deserve it." She said and soon she began to believe it.
"It's all my fault." She cried as she covered up the bruises. "All my fault."
She'd come home angry. She'd be upset and Santana would be the punching bag. What she was upset about, she didn't know.
"I do this because I love you." She whispered in Santana's ear. "How will you ever learn if I'm not correcting you."

Her fight and fury is fiery
Oh but she loves
Like sleep to the freezing
Sweet and right and merciful
I'm all but washed
In the tide of her breathing.
And it's worth it, it's divine
I have this some of the time.
The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.

Santana was trapped. She couldn't escape. How she wanted to leave, but she was compelled to stay. Why? Because she loved her. What type of twisted love was this? What type of sick love story was this? It wasn't supposed to go like this.
Santana crawled into bed next to her. A single tear rolled down her face. Maybe one day she'd be free, but for tonight she could only dream of it.

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