Time is short

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Summary: Santana has a malignant brain tumor. She tries to make the most of her short life.

It started with headaches. They hurt really bad, but she dismissed it as being caused by too much stress. Her fingers and toes tingled at random times for no reason. There was also the time were her right foot went numb during glee club. She fell onto the floor and couldn't get her leg to respond. Quinn ended up driving her home that day instead of letting her walk. Her parents finally took her to the hospital when she had a seizure.
"Ms. Lopez, you have a malignant brain tumor. It's inoperable. I'm sorry." Her parents were just as shocked as she was. Her mother collapsed was in tears and her father was trying to stay strong, but she could see how scared he was to lose his little girl. She didn't cry. She stayed calm.
"How long do I have left?"
"With chemotherapy we can prolong your life for at least seven to twelve years."
"No, I mean how long do I have without chemotherapy?" Her mother gasped.
"Max is at least 3 months. Minimum is a month."
"Thank you." Santana said. She got up and walked off.
Her time was short, but she was going to make the most of it.
Her hands shook as she was going to announce her condition. She entered the room and cleared her throat. Everyone turned to stare at her.
"Umm... I went to the doctor's yesterday."
"How is this news?" Rachel interrupted
"You didn't let me finish, Berry!" Santana snapped. "As I was saying, I went to the doctor and they told me that I have a brain tumor. It's inoperable and I have maximum 3 months before I die." The room was silent. Brittany was in tears and so was Quinn.
"Wow, Santana... I'm sorry. That must be rough." Mr. Schue looked devastated. She took her seat next to her two best friends.
"Guys, don't cry."
"How can you ask me to stop after I learned that you're dying." Quinn cried.
"You can't die, San. Who's going to help me keep Lord Tubbington still while I put him in cute costumes?" Brittany sobbed.
"You can ask, Q. She'll do it." Santana smiled
"It's not the same." Brittany pouted
"Listen, I don't want my last months to be only tears. I want smiles and laughter. Not tears, okay?" Brittany and Quinn nodded.

3 months later
She was becoming weak. She was restricted to a wheelchair. Everything was tiring. She had to be fed and needed help going to the bathroom. She could udder some words, but her speech was broken up. They understood for the most part.
She was close and they all knew it. She was in pain and there was multiple times where they asked her to let go, but she wouldn't, not until she got to see them at Nationals.
They all celebrated their win in the choir room. There was drinks, pizza and cake.
They gave the first slice to Santana. Quinn fed her.
"Good." Santana smiled. They all seemed pretty satisfied with the response and started digging into the cake.

Two days later
It was two in the morning when Quinn woke up to a call from Santana's parents.
"Hello." She mumbled sleepily
"Quinn, it's Maribel. It's time." Quinn jumped out of her bed and got into her car. She drove to Santana's house.
She entered the bedroom. Santana looked awful and let out a few moans of pain.
"Hey Santana. It's Quinn."
"Quinn?" Santana spoke
"Yeah, it's me."
"Britt... Rachel... Kurt?" She was asking about the rest of the members.
"I'll text them right now." She sent a mass text. 30 minutes later, all of the members were surrounding Santana in their pajamas.
"Look San, we're all here. We're a big family." Brittany squeezed her hand
"Family." Santana smiled. "Tired... Pain." She said
"We know. That's why we want to tell you that it's okay to let go. It's okay." Brittany told her. Everyone else nodded
"Love you all... Always family." She took her last breath and then she was gone.

Hi, guys! Just posting this real quick. Hope you have a Happy New Years Eve.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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