On Your Side

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Summary: Songfic: On Your Side by The Veronicas

If we knew, then what we do now
We'd hold our hands and take a bow
Together we would stand our ground and fight

Santana and Quinn had been through various ups and downs. They went from friends to best friends to frenemies. Their relationship was complicated.
Santana hadn't been a very good friends during high school. She had basically abandoned Quinn when she needed her the most. All for some stupid popularity contest that didn't mean anything outside of high school.
Once out, they realized they were stronger together. They were a force to be reckoned with. If Santana needed her, Quinn would be there and vice versa.

I remember the night we got drunk, I got sick on the subway
With your hands on my face said, it don't matter, babe
'Cause I'm always on your side

Santana had had too much to drink. She was stumbling. Quinn was the one that kept her steady.
She threw up all over Quinn's shoes just after exiting the subway station. The blonde held her hair and rubbed her back.
"Q, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. I don't care. Are you okay?" She was concerned and not the fake concern that people did to make themselves feel better for asking. She actually cared.

Life isn't pretty, we all get a little wrecked sometimes
If God's listening, people think you're out of your mind
Even if you believe it
Through all the hard times, I'm on your side
On your side
I'm on your side
On your side

Things got messed up. Things didn't go their way. That's just how it was. They'd always be there.
Santana would show up at Quinn's dorm with some wine and they would drink till they forgot.
Quinn would come to her apartment and they got drunk out of their mind. They were sloppy and they didn't care. It was the one time they didn't have to act so neat. It was perfect.

I still wear your t-shirt out
All the ink is faded now
I wonder who you're dreaming of tonight

She stole Quinn's Yale shirt. She used it to sleep. It smelled like her and she loved that.
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
"You like?"
"I love." She kissed her on the lips. "You look amazing."
"Thank you. Maybe I should start wearing all your clothes."
"You, in a baby doll dress." Quinn snorted and then laughed. "I'd like to see that."

I remember the night when you packed all your bags in the doorway
Said, I don't wanna fight, you can leave, but remember I'm always
On your side

Santana stood by the door way. Tears ran down her face.
"Don't go."
"I can't do this Santana."
"Quinn, please. I'll do whatever you want." She pleaded. "Don't leave me."
"You deserve someone who loves you San. Someone who loves you as much as you love them. That's not me." She hugged her tightly. "I love you."

Life isn't pretty, we all get a little wrecked sometimes
If God's listening, people think you're out of your mind
Even if you believe it
Through all the hard times, I'm on your side
On your side
I'm on your side
On your side

On your side
Life isn't pretty, we all get a little wrecked sometimes
If God's listening, people think you're out of your mind
Even if you believe it
Through all the hard times, I'm on your side

Forgot to include this note when I published. Oops.
Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for so long. Life got hectic. I'm currently in my senior year of high school so I got super busy with college apps and all college related things. I hope to spend some more time writing when things start to cool down. Thanks for being so patient!

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