Unholy Mess

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Summary: Sue messes with The Unholy Trinity. Takes place during season 1. Few changes. Quinn isn't pregnant.

"Alright! This is going to be hell! We're going to work out! I don't want any chunky Cheerios on this squad! There is a possibility that one of you will pass out." Sue yelled through the megaphone.
It was hell. They had never felt so sore in their lives. They did Push ups, Sit ups , Pull ups, Burpees, jumped hurdles and ran 20 laps. After finishing the workout, Sue handed the Cheerios a drink. It smelled disgusting.
"Drink it, ladies. It'll help you lose wait." They stared at the drink suspiciously.
"Why only us?" Quinn asked
"Because you three have put on some pounds. You need to lose a lot more weight. This will speed it up." They gulped it down quickly and walked towards the choir room.
"My legs hurt." Brittany complained
"Mine do too." Quinn agreed
"Ugh, I just want to go home!" Santana whined. The Unholy Trinity entered the Choir room. The New Directions were practicing for Sectionals.
"let's practice the choreography since everyone is here now." Rachel commanded. The three girls groaned. They were paired with their boyfriends. That was a plus. They began to sing and dance. Suddenly, Quinn felt her stomach lurch. She knew the other two girls felt it to because they all scrambled to the nearest trash can. They vomited into the trash cans.
"My insides are burning!" Santana yelled out
"Mine are too." Quinn and Brittany agreed
"What did you three eat to make your stomachs upset?" Mr. Schue asked
"It was Sue. She did this to us!" Quinn yelled
"She gave us this drink. She gave it to us only." Santana said before vomiting again
"I don't like this." Brittany whimpered.
"Neither of us do." Santana sighed
"What the hell did she give us?" Quinn threw up again
"Someone find Sue." Santana demanded. Mr. Schue and the guys went off to find her. Santana called her dad.
"Santana, mija, que pasó?"
"Papì, can you come to the school." She could hear Brittany throwing up behind her
"It's an emergency. Por favor, papì." She pleaded
"I'm going. I'll be there in about 5 minutes."
"Alright Papì. Bye." She hung up and threw up again.
"My dad is going to be here in about 5 minutes. He's a doctor. He should know how to help us." She told them. The three girls huddled together in a corner. Everyone else was on the other side of the room, trying to escape the horrid spell of vomit. Dr. Lopez walked in.
"What is that smell?"
"That's us." Quinn said, weakly before throwing up.
"Oh god. What happened?" He ran over to the girl.
"Coach Sue gave us something. Our insides feel like their burning. We can't stop throwing up." Santana told him
"Can you describe what she gave you?"
"It was dark brown and sticky. It smelled horrible and tasted really bitter." Quinn responded
"She gave you three Ipecac. It induces vomiting." Dr. Lopez explained. Mr. Schue and the boys walked in with Sue.
"Let go! You'll be hearing from my lawyers!" Sue yelled
" No, you'll be hearing from my lawyers, Ms. Sylvester." Carlos Lopez spoke up. " You gave three girls Ipecac. What is wrong with you?!"
"Sue, you gave my girls Ipecac? You have hit a new low." Mr. Schue shook his head.
"Isn't Ipecac the medicine that makes you throw up?" Rachel asked
"It is. Based on what Quinn has described to me, it sounds like Ms. Sylvester gave them Ipecac."
"I did give them Ipecac."
"I was hoping they would throw up all over the glee losers, but they sadly made it to the trash cans." Sue sighed.
"So you made some girls throw up multiple times just to mess with us?" Mr. Schue was astonished
"Yes, but those idiots can't do anything right."
"Hey! Watch the way you speak about my daughter!" Carlos yelled, glaring at her.
"Whatever, I'm leaving." Sue walked out.
"Alright, girls let's go home." The three girls walked out and followed Santana's father.
"My tummy hurts." Brittany said, tearing up
"I know, B. Our tummies hurt too." Quinn comforted. Suddenly, Brittany projectiles   vomit all over the hall. She began to cry.
"It's alright, Britt." Santana comforted. They continued walking. The got into the car and drove to Santana's house. Santana sat in the middle. She noticed Quinn was beginning to look pale.
"Dad, pull over!" She yelled at him
"Because Quinn's about to be sick!" Carlos pulled over just in time. The moment the door open Quinn threw up everywhere.
"It's alright, Q. Let it out." She rubbed the blonde's back. Quinn began to sob. Once she was done they drove in silence. Quinn out of the car slowly. Santana crawls on top of her to get. She threw up all over the drive way.
"Sorry papì."
"Don't worry I clean it up later." They walked into the house.
"AY, mis niñas!" Maribel kissed them on the cheek.
"Mamí, my stomach hurts." Santana finally shed a few tears.
"I know, mija." She patted Santana's back. Carlos came in a few minutes later. The girls all lied down. They got an inflatable mattress for Santana to lie down. Quinn and Brittany were on the couches.
"Is there anything you can take to stop them from throwing up?" Maribel asked her husband
"I'm afraid not. They'll stop in a few hours."
"I'll call Whitney and Judy to tell them that the girls are staying over." Carlos nodded.
"Is there really nothing you can do?" Quinn asked.
"No, I'm sorry."
" I swear, Sue Sylvester will be sorry. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow. She'll be sorry the day after tomorrow." Santana said, weakly. The three girls drifted off a few hours later.
"That woman is evil. I don't think I've ever seen them this miserable." Maribel said, looking at the girls.
"They'll be okay. They've stopped throwing up. They'll probably feel a little weird tomorrow."
It was true. They felt a bit weird the next day, but the day after that they were back to normal. Santana got some revenge on Sue. She did the exact thing she did to them except Santana made sure it would come out the other end. Balance was restored and Sue Sylvester knew who not to mess with from that day forward.

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