Strip Club

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Summary: New Directions go to a strip club. They get a surprise of a life time. Centered around season 1 cast. Takes place during Season 3.

The New Directons enter a club. They were met with loud music.
"This was a bad idea!" Rachel yelled over the music
"Loosen up, Berry!" Puck yelled out
"Have you even been here?"
"No!" They sat near the door. They looked on stage to see woman pole dancing in very sexy outfits. The men were having the time of their lives while the woman were not. They bought a few drinks with Fake ID's.
"Why did we agree to this?" Quinn asked
"I don't know." Rachel answered. Men were throwing money at the woman on the stage.
"This is really gross. Someone probably had sex on this chair." Mercedes said, standing up.
"They must make good money. Look at how much money people are throwing at them." Quinn noted
"Probably a couple thousands." Tina said, joining the conversation
"God, how many men are wasting money that should be going to their family over here?" Rachel frowned
"A lot. Can't pay bill, but can waste money at strip clubs." Mercedes rolled her eyes. Suddenly, a man came on stage.
"Next up, is the best dancer of the night. She's a hottie. Give it up for Rio!" The Men began to whistle and yell. A women who seemed to be fairly young walked out.
"Is that Santana!?" Quinn asked, bewildered
"I think it is. I'm not sure." Puck answered.
They watched as "Rio" danced. They weren't certain if it was Santana, but she certainly brought in the big bucks. They were sure she had a couple of thousand on the stage just for her. When the dance ended a few men came out and picked up the money for her.
"Rio will be giving lap dances in booth 5. 250 dollars for a dance."
"Let's find out if it's here." Puck said. The group followed him. A woman was standing by the booths. They gave her the 250 dollars and she let them pass.  They went over to booth five. The booths were covered with red curtains. Puck entered first. The woman's back was turned
"Alright, Babycakes, take a seat." She turned around.
"Santana!" They group said
"Guys!" She was surprised. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Puck brought us. Why do you work here?" Rachel asked
"I need money. Now get in and close the curtains." They walked in and closed the curtains
"You seem to be a favorite." Quinn commented
"Here's the deal. I need to give at least one of you a lap dance. Which one wants it?" All the boys raised their hands, but they quickly brought them down and earned a whack in the back of their heads from their girlfriends.
The only one with their hand up was Puck.
"Alright, Puck, sit on the chair." He sat down. Santana began to dance.
"This is awkward." Kurt said
"Isn't your dad doctor?" Quinn asked, her eyes narrowing
"He cut me off. How else was I supposed to get money?"
"I don't know. Maybe work at a normal job." Quinn said, sarcastically.
"Too slow. I need a lot of money. The most I've gotten hear was 3,000. Momma needs a new pairs of Louboutins." Santana replied. Puck pulled out his wallet and began to stick the money into her clothes.
"Eww! Puck! Stop that!" Quinn yelled
"Hey! This is my only source of income. Back off! Make it rain, Puck." Puck did exactly that. He began to throw money at her. She danced for a few more minutes.
"Alright that's it. Let's see how much I made." She began to pick up the money off the floor and pull the money out of her clothes. "200, not bad."
"You gave Santana 200 dollars!" Quinn yelled
"She was good." Puck shrugged. The group walked out. Santana walked over to a man.
"I'm leaving, Rick. Where's my money?" She asked
"Here you go. Take care, my star." He handed Santana the money and walked off. She walked towards the New Directions.
"6,000. Not bad." She walked out. They followed her out. The New Directions never went back to a strip club.

Last one shot of the day. Got to start working on my other stories.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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