Pregnancy thoughts

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Summary: Santana's thoughts about her pregnancy as she holds Brittany's and her newborn baby

She had made it. She had gone through 9 months of morning sickness, raging hormones, cravings, swollen feet, weight gain, sleepless nights and the pain of labor for the tiny baby she held in her arms.
"She's beautiful." Brittany gasped
"Our little Ava." Santana smiled
"The boys are going to love her."
They had two sons together. Jackson was the oldest. He was 8 years old. Their second little boy was named Daniel. He was 5. They were both carried by Brittany.
When the couple decided to have another one, Brittany said she would carry if Santana didn't want to. Santana decided it was only fair for her to carry the third.
Santana couldn't let Brittany carry the babies all the time. She had to experience being pregnant at least once.
Maribel told Santana that pregnancy was a beautiful experience. She thought so too, but only Brittany had carried and Santana just observed. When she finally did carry, she found out what her mother told her was a lie.
Brittany had two easy pregnancies. She had no morning sickness. She gained weight graciously. She got more and more beautiful as she grew. Her mood swings weren't that bad and her cravings weren't very weird.
For Santana, it was the complete opposite. She had morning sickness all throughout the pregnancy. She went to bed skinny one day and the next morning, she had blown up like a ballon. There was nothing gracious about that. Her mood swings were out of control. One moment she would be yelling and the next she was in a puddle of tears. Her cravings were the weirdest, not to mention that she ate like a pig.
In the end, it was worth it. The little baby was worth everything she went through. All the vomiting, tears, pain and stretch marks.
One thing was for sure, if they decided to have another one, Santana was not carrying again.

Just an idea that popped into my brain. I'm pretty satisfied with this one. I think it's my favorite so far. Enjoy your weekend.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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