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Santana's hands were sweating like crazy. She didn't know how to tell Quinn. She was pregnant. Quinn wasn't looking for children at the moment. When Santana brought up the subject, she always seemed uncomfortable. Santana had a feeling it had to do with Beth and how she had given her away.
Santana hadn't cheated. She had gotten a sperm donor. She had felt so guilty after it. She had made a huge mistake. She didn't know how Quinn would take it.
She sucked up the courage and walked out to the bedroom.
"You okay, sweetie?"
"Um, yea. I have something to tell you."
"What's up?"
"I'm... I'm..."
"You're what? Santana, you're scaring me."
"I'm pregnant." She sighed
"You cheated on me?" Quinn blinked back tears.
"No! I would never cheat on you."
"Then how did you get pregnant because unless I have some type of magical power that can get a girl pregnant, how the hell did you get pregnant?"
"I got a sperm donor."
"And you didn't tell me?!"
"I was desperate to have a child! I'm tired of waiting! The clock is ticking, Quinn. I only have some time before I wont be able to have children anymore. I want this Quinn."
"I have to think about it. Sleep on the couch."
"Sure, make the pregnant woman sleep on the couch." Santana muttered under her breath. She walked downstairs with a blanket and slept on the couch.
She woke up in the morning to her muscles aching. She stretched out and walked out to the kitchen. Quinn was making breakfast.
"Good morning." She smiled and kissed Quinn.
"Good morning." Quinn seemed distant. She was still upset about the baby. She served breakfast and they ate quietly. Santana felt nauseous and bolted towards the restroom. She wished Quinn had come to comfort her, but she hadn't. Santana flushed the toilet and sighed. She had really messed up. She didn't bother going back to the kitchen. She went to get ready for work. She heard Quinn clear the plates and wash them. She heard the door open and her car engine start. Santana was alone. They were broken. They were undeniably broken.

2 months later
Santana was know three months. She had found out that it was a boy. She had come home happy, but Quinn didn't seem to care the least.
Quinn and Santana had grown apart. They fought more often, usually ending up with Santana in tears because of her hormones. They still slept on the same bed, but they didn't sleep as close as they use to. They didn't cuddle or kiss like they use to. It was just silence. Quinn would occasionally turn and touch Santana's baby bump. Quinn would make a face of disgust which would hurt Santana.
Quinn was often bothered by how many times Santana got up to use the bathroom. She needed to pee every second of everyday. It annoyed her to no end to hear shuffling, the door close, the toilet flushing, the water running and the door closing again.
This night was no different from any other night. Santana got up and went to the bathroom except this night Santana took longer than normal. She heard something fall and then it was silent.
"Santana, are you okay?" She called out.
"Fine." Santana called back. Quinn rolled over and got comfortable. Santana still hadn't returned. She sighed and got up. She opened the bathroom door. Santana was sitting on the toilet. She noticed a red stain on Santana's underwear. She knelt down next to the Latina.
"San, we have to go to the hospital." Santana nodded and pulled up her shorts. They got into the car and drove off.
She was admitted and taken care off. Santana cried her eyes out while Quinn just rubbed her back.
They got home a few hours later. Santana just laid in bed. Quinn left to work. When she came back, Santana was still lying there. Quinn knew that she needed time to heal. It would probably take a few days.
But a few days turned into a few weeks which turned into a few months. Santana never left the house. She didn't even leave the bed except to go to the bathroom. Quinn had had enough.
"San, you need to get up."
"No, I just want to die."
"Listen, you need to get over it! It happened months ago! Get over it!"
"Get over it? I can't get over it! You don't know what it feels like!"
"I gave up Beth, of course I know what it feels like!"
"It's totally different! Beth is alive and well. My baby isn't! He never got to take his first breath! It's so hard for me to get over it!"
"Well, I think it's time you move on and get on with your life. You can't sit around and mope!" Quinn yelled. Santana got up from the bed.
"You know what! I'm done! I can't take it anymore! I'm done, Lucy Quinn Fabray. I'll send someone over to pick my stuff up." Santana marched out and drove to Rachel's house. She knocked on the door, frantically.
"Santana, what are you doing here?" Rachel asked. Santana just threw herself at her and cried. "Hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" Rachel comforted. She led her inside. Finn just stared at Santana. She was usually so strong. Santana told them about what had happened. They comforted her and told her it was going to be okay.
"Do you want me to get your things from Quinn's house?"
"No, I'll do it, but can you wait for me in the car." Finn nodded. They drove over to Quinn's house. She knocked on the door. "I'm just here to get my things." She said and went upstairs. She packed all her clothes and belongings into a few suitcases.
"You're really serious about leaving?"
"Yea I really am. You hurt me, Quinn."
"You were just mopping and whining. You were so clingy. I didn't want that. I wanted the independent girl I married. I didn't want a family and you went and did it anyways. It's your fault. You set yourself up for this."
"You're a bitch. I just wanted a baby. I didn't expect for all of that to happen. You could have supportive like I supported you. You could of helped me through, but instead you left me to cope on my own." She pulled the suitcases. "Oh and expect divorce papers." She said before leaving.
The divorce papers were finalized at the end of the month. They both went their separate way. Soon, every trace of Santana was gone from Quinn's house. They were broken. They were undeniably broken.

Hey guys, it's me. I'm not sure if you all know, but on my other story I posted that my aunt had a miscarriage. I'm just writing my feelings out here. Expect some really sad one shots for a few days.

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