Blabber Mouth

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Summary: Rachel can't keep a secret

"Rach, I have to tell you something but promise not to tell anyone."
"I promise."
"I'm pregnant."
"Oh my god, congratulations!!!" Rachel squealed. "Does Quinn know?"
"Not yet. I wasn't suppose to tell anyone just yet but I couldn't keep it in anymore."
"Your secret is safe with me."
Later on, Rachel meet up with Quinn.
"Hey Rach. What's up?"
"Santana's pregnant!" She blurted.
"She told me but you can't tell anyone. When she tells you just asked surprised."
"I'm going to be a mom." Quinn smiled.
"Don't say anything."
"I won't."
Rachel was in bed cuddling with Puck.
"Santana's pregnant."
"She is?"
"Fuck, why do I keep doing that!" She huffed. "It's supposed to be a secret so shush."
"I won't say anything if you don't tell anyone else."
"I don't think there's anyone else to tell." She sighed.
Santana gathered all her friends around. She handed them a gift bag. They all knew what it was.
"A onesie. Oh my god, are you pregnant?" Quinn tried to act surprised.
"Quinn Fabray, you are a horrible actress. Puck didn't even seem a little bit surprised."
"Rachel told us."
"Oh my god, you weren't supposed to tell her that!" Rachel punched Puck on the shoulder.
"Sorry, babe."
Rachel was not to be trusted with a secret. She was a blabber mouth but Santana still loved her.

This is more of a drabble than a oneshot. It's just a little something that just hit me like 15 minutes.  I am almost done on the second part of this small Drabble.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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