20 years

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Summary: Quinn and Santana's 20th anniversary. Italics are flashbacks

Quinn smiled at Santana. She watched the Brunette's movements.
"What?" Santana laughed. "Do I have something on my face?
"No, I just can't believe I've been married to you for 20 years."
"I know, it seems like we just got married." Santana kissed Quinn's cheek.
"Yea. It's unbelievable."
"We've been through good times."
Santana was sitting on the couch when Quinn burst in.
"Why so happy?"
"I got promoted!" She yelled jumping up and down. Quinn had been working at DeChamp&DeChamp law firm for a few years. She was one of the best lawyers there and they knew it.
"That's great! What did you get promoted to?"
"Partners. I get to make decisions now. I'm almost like an owner in a way."
"That's great!" She hugged Quinn.
"Do you know what this means? We can start a family now." Quinn said. They had been wanting to start a family.
"Wow, I can't believe it. It's finally time. We can do it now." Santana whispered. They were on their way of having a new addition.
"We've been through the bad." Quinn added, looking at her feet.
Santana had been in the hospital for a few days. She wasn't doing very well. Quinn was sure she was going to die.
Santana had been diagnosed with stage 3 Acute lymphocytic leukemia.
It was commonly diagnosed in children, but Santana had been diagnosed with it as an adult.
Her friends surrounded her. Santana have a small smile.
"San, Rachel and Finn are here for a visit."
"Hi guys." She whispered. She was weakened and very frail.
"Listen San, we want you to know that it's okay to let go. If you're in pain, it's okay."
"I can let go?"
"Yes, of course." Quinn nodded tearfully
"I think... I think I want to let go." Santana nodded. Quinn let the tears fall.
"Okay, we're going to say our goodbyes." Quinn told her. Santana nodded. Rachel went first.
"Hey San, I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss all the good times we had. You're one of my closest friends. I hate to see you in pain. I guess this goodbye. I'll see you soon." Rachel squeezed her hand. Santana felt like a string had been cut off. She felt lighter.
Finn went next.
"San, where do I start? We go way back. You were bitch even in first grade when you threw that crayon box at me. Or in second grade when you told everyone I had peed my pants when I accidentally spilled juice on my jeans. I think I'm going to miss your bitchiness. Goodbye San. I'll see you soon." Finn kissed her forehead. Another string broke and she felt even lighter.
"Tana, I love you. I'll love you till the day I die. I need you here Tana. Please, don't leave me. I can't live without you. Don't go." Quinn pleaded. She was stuck. Santana wanted to go, but she couldn't if Quinn didn't let her go.
"You have to let her go, Q. She's in pain. Let her go." Rachel hugged Quinn.
"I love you, San. I'll see you soon." Quinn kissed Santana's lips.
Santana didn't want to go. She couldn't leave without Quinn. She couldn't leave without her friends.
"I'm staying." She smiled. She was going to fight for her friends and for her wife.
A year later, Santana was declared cancer free. She had won.
"No matter what I'll always love you." Santana smiled. They kissed. Quinn grabbed a bottle of wine and 2 glasses
"Here's to 20 more years." The glasses clinked. They were two wine glasses closer to 20 years.

Hey y'all. I'm back to writing happy stuff. I've been feeling a little bit happier. Still have some time till I go back to normal, but I'm doing pretty well. Hope you like the update
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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