Zombie Apocalypse

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Summary: Zombie apocalypse. Takes place in season 2. Quinn is still pregnant with Beth.

The world was lost. It was chaos. Zombies roamed free and the living were forced into hiding.
In the beginning, all the glee club members were together, but soon they began to lose many. They had lost Mercedes and Emma in a convenience store. A zombie had snuck up on them both.
They had lost Mr. Schue, Kurt, and Blaine when the zombies had found them and cornered them. They used themselves as bait and lead them away from the group.
They had lost Artie, Sam, Tina and Brittany  when they were running away from the zombies. Artie was too slow. Tina didn't want to leave her friend behind, Sam stopped to help and Brittany wasn't going anywhere without her boyfriend. Most of them didn't look back, but when they did they knew that Tina, Artie, Sam and Brittany were a lost cause. They watched as they were devoured.
This wasn't the world for the selfless. This was the world for the selfish. Helping would get you killed. They only helped themselves. It was the way to stay alive. You always had to think of yourself first. That was the way to stay alive.
The only remaining survivors were Quinn, Puck, Santana, Rachel and Finn
They had lost so many people they cared about. Santana had lost Brittany. Rachel had lost one of her best friends and Finn had lost his step-brother. They were now established in the mall
"Are we going to stay here until it's over?" Rachel asked
"I'm not sure." Puck replied. Nothing was ever certain when you were fighting for your life. Anything can happen and you got to be prepared to keep going.
They had a routine. It wasn't really routine, but they didn't anyways. They would be up by 8:30. They ate breakfast and took care of personal hygiene. They walked around making sure everything was safe and secure.
The rest of the day whatever they wanted, but they were always on guard. Lights out was at 8:00 pm. They would lock themselves in a store. No one ever walked out of the store alone at night. They always had a buddy to go with and one of them carried a gun.
Every two weeks or so they would make a run to the closest grocery store or station to get supplies. Rachel and Santana took turns staying with Quinn when they went to the store. This time it was Santana's turn.
"You know the protocol. Don't go out alone. Always have a gun with you. Use the walkie talkie if anything happens." Puck kissed Quinn on the cheek.
"Be safe." Quinn whispered. They left.
"So.." Santana didn't know what to say "How are you?"
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"Just great."
"Really?" Quinn knew Santana wasn't fine. She hadn't cried once over Brittany's death. She was shutting people out.
"Do you miss Brittany?" Quinn looked at Santana. She looked taken aback. She saw a bit of sadness in her eyes followed by a flash of anger
"Don't bring her up again!" She yelled
"I'm sorry."
"You just want to break me down! You want me to become weak so I can die! It's not going to happen."
"I care about you, San. I would never do to that."
"Whatever." Santana walked away and went to the section with couches. She knew she should of stayed with Quinn, but she needed some alone time. She lied down on the couch and thought about Brittany. She missed her smile and hugs. She missed her blue eyes. She missed everything about her. Brittany was the one who kept her from snapping at everyone. The one who kept her nice.
She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Quinn called out for her. She ran over to where she was sitting. Quinn was huddled into a ball.
"What's wrong?"
"I think I'm in labor." Quinn said. She groaned in pain as a contraction hit her.
Santana got the walkie talkie and contacted Puck.
"Puck, Quinn's going into labor!"
"You know how help people give birth, right?"
"Yes." Santana had witnessed her dad help woman give birth multiple times. She sat there observing with college medical student. She had no idea why her father made her witness it, but she was thankful he did. She had picked up a lot of tips.
"You're going to be okay, Quinn." She comforted.
"It hurts, Santana."
"You're holding up well. You're almost there. I think you'll be ready to push in 5 minutes." She was starting to wonder where Puck was.
"Puck, where the hell are you?" She spoke into the walkie talkie
"We're going. We had to take the long way because the zombies were backing the path."
"The long way takes thirty minutes! Quinn is super close to giving birth. She'll be ready to push in 5. How far away are you?"
"We're 15 minutes away."
"Alright. Hurry." Santana checked up on Quinn. She was almost ready.
"You're almost ready, Quinn. Listen, I want you to take deep breaths and push really hard okay. I'll be back in a few minutes. I have to go get a blanket for the baby at the baby store."
"Puck and I have that covered. We have a baby bag full of baby stuff. It's hidden by the T.V."
"That's all the way across the store!"
"I'll be safe here. Go get it." Santana ran off. She looked behind the television. She saw the bag and grabbed it. She ran back to where Quinn was.
"Okay, let's go down to the dirty business. You can start pushing." Quinn pushed. She screamed.
"Again." Quinn nodded and repeated the same thing.
"You're almost there, Quinn. Keep going." Quinn pushed again. Santana contacted Puck
"Puck, godammit! You're going to miss your daughter's birth! Hurry up." Quinn screamed in the background
"We're almost there. I can see the mall. Was that Quinn?"
"We'll be there in 2 minutes."
Quinn continued pushing. She was so tired
"You're crowning." Quinn pushed really hard. "One more push and she'll be out." Quinn have one last push. The little girl wailed. Santana cleaned her up and handed her to Quinn.
"What's her name."
"Beth." Puck said. He dropped the supplies by the door. She took Beth from Quinn. Quinn smiled. The crowd looked at Beth. She was beautiful.
Santana looked over at Quinn. She looked a bit pale
"Hey, Quinn. Stay with us." She shook her leg. They all turned the attention towards Quinn. Quinn closed her eyes. Santana checked for a pulse. She didn't have one. She started CPR.
"Come on, Quinn. Stay with us." She checked again. Still nothing
"Quinn, stay for your daughter. Stay for Puck." She really hoped Quinn would pull through. She still had no pulse. She tried again
"Quinn, please. We need you here. Stay." She checked again. Nothing.
"She's gone." Santana stated. Rachel sobbed into Finn's chest.
Puck had tears running down his face. He had just lost the love of his life. The one that he loved more than the anything else. He handed Santana the baby.
"Puck, wait!" The others ran behind him. Puck stood at the edge. The zombies swarmed around the building.
"Don't do it, Puck!" Finn yelled
"Why not? Give me one reason why I shouldn't?"
"For Beth. Stay for Beth." Santana told him
"I'm sorry. I can't. Take care of Beth for me, San. I know you'll do a great job." He handed her his wallet. "There's a picture of Quinn and I in it. Show her who her real parents were." With that he threw himself off the roof
They went back downstairs. There were only three of them left not including Beth. It was a small group, but together they would survive.

4 years later
It had been a long time before the zombies began to die out. 4 years later and zombies were rarely seen. The world was brand new.
Santana thought of the world that existed before this one. She thought of her friends. She thought of her family. She thought of her lover. They were all gone.
"Mommy." Beth called out
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Santana had taken responsibility of Beth. Beth reminded her so much of Quinn. She had blonde hair and hazel eyes.
"Are you going to tuck me in?"
"I'll be right there. Did you say goodnight to Auntie Rachel and Uncle Finn?" Beth nodded and ran to her room.
She was glad that Beth wasn't old enough to remember the past. She wasn't old enough to remember the moans of the zombies. The screams of the victims. The look of anguish on the faces of the victims.
She went to Beth's room. Beth was in her bed with her teddy bear.
Santana tucked Beth in.
"I love you, mommy."
"I love you too, baby girl. Good night." She turned off the light and closed the door. The house was silent and so was the earth.

This is a super old one shot I wrote six months ago. I decided to post because I was bored. Enjoy!

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