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Summary: "You'll understand when you have kids."

"You'll understand when you have kids." Her parents always told her that. She just rolled her eyes at them. She didn't figure out what they meant till she had her own.
Santana watched as her 4 year old son put away his belongings in his cubby. She had expected him to cry yet there she was, tears rolling down her face. She quickly wiped them away. She promised she wouldn't cry.
"Mami! Mami!" 7 year old Antonio yelled.
"What's wrong?"
"Look!" In the palm of his hand was his tooth.
"It fell. Smile for mami." Antonio did as he was told. Santana chuckled. He was so cute.
"Ma, pull over." 13 year old Antonio said.
"I can walk from here."
"Oh. Okay. Be safe, mi amor."
"I will."
"I love you."
"Bye." Santana sat in her car watching him walk away. He was embarrassed of her. She sighed, pulled out of park and drove away.
Santana stood up and smiled. 16 year old Antonio had brought his girlfriend of 4 months to dinner.
"Mamá, this is Macy."
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Santana Lopez."
"Nice to meet you Ms. Lopez."
"So, how did this start."
Santana fixed his tie. It was prom night. It was their senior prom. She slicked back his hair a little.
"Enough, mami."
"Okay. Time for pictures."
Santana had never been prouder. Her baby was graduating.
"Antonio Lopez." Santana yelled her loudest. She took pictures of him walking across stage and accepting the diploma. The ceremony finished and they threw their caps in the air. Her baby was officially a high school graduate.
"I'm so proud of you." She hugged him and then kissed him on the cheek. "You'll be going to college. You're all grown up." She teared up.
"Mom, don't start crying. It's not a big deal." He groaned. Santana wiped her tears.
"You'll understand when you have kids."

A short little one. I honestly didn't know what to title this one. Sorry if the title doesn't make sense. Have a great one.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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