Goodnight Moon

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Summary: Santana reads Goodnight Moon to her dying son.

She held her baby close as she sat on the hospital bed. She watched his chest fall up and down. A six year old child shouldn't be in a hospital bed, he should be outside playing.
Kids shouldn't get cancer. They shouldn't get sick. She prayed many times for Jacob to be healed or that she would trade places with him. Nothing ever happened and her prayers were never answered.
"Mommy, I want to go to heaven." He whispered.
She didn't know how to process the words. Her baby was tired. He was tired of fighting and not getting better. He was done.
"Quinn, I" She couldn't speak
"What's wrong?"
"He told me he wants to go to heaven. I can't do it." Her voice cracked.
"Santana, listen, I know this is hard, but you have to let him go. Do you want him to live the rest of his life in pain? Let him go."
"You're right. I have to say goodbye."
"Call me when he's gone?"
"Yea, I'll call you." She hung up and walked to the bedroom.
"Mommy, I'm sleepy." He mumbled
"Let me read you a bed time story." She pulled out the book Goodnight Moon.

In the great green room There was a telephone And a red balloon
And a picture of-
The cow jumping over the moon
And there were three little bears sitting on chairs
And two little kittens
And a pair of mittens
And a little toy house
And a young mouse
And a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush
And a quiet old lady who was whispering "hush"
Goodnight room
Goodnight moon
Goodnight cow jumping over the moon
Goodnight light
And the red balloon
Goodnight bears
Goodnight chairs
Goodnight kittens
And goodnight mittens
Goodnight clocks
And goodnight socks
Goodnight little house
And goodnight mouse
Goodnight comb
And goodnight brush
Goodnight nobody
Goodnight mush
And goodnight to the old lady whispering "hush"
Goodnight stars
Goodnight air
Good night noises

His breathing slowed and soon he flat lined. Santana cried. He was gone.
"Goodnight Jacob. Sleep tight." She kissed his forehead. Her baby would now become part of the stars.

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