Sick Day- Part 2

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"Oops, sorry." Quinn smiled, sheepishly.
"Quinn, can you open the door?" Judy knocked on the door
"Just a minute." She said. She turned to Santana. "Don't sneeze or cough. She's going to know something's up. Act normal." She got up and opened the door.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay. Not as bad as yesterday." Quinn answered. Judy turned around to walk out. Santana stifled a sneeze. It made a high pitch noise.
"What was that?" Judy asked. Santana held her breath.
"Nothing!" Quinn responded. Judy stared at her for a few seconds before walking out.
"That was close one." Quinn sighed in relief.
"San, do you feel okay?" Brittany asked
"I'm fine. I'm just a little stuffy." Santana sniffled
"You're not looking very well." Quinn tried to feel the Latina's forehead. Santana swatted Quinn's hands away
"I said I'm fine!" Santana snapped
"Alright, Jesus. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Quinn grumbled
"Quinn needs to learn how to contain her germs." Brittany stated
"Hey, I warned her, but she didn't listen."
"I hate you so much." Santana pouted
"I thought you didn't get sick." Quinn smirked
"Shut up." She threw a pillow at Quinn.
"Why didn't you get the flu shot?" Brittany asked
"I didn't think I would need it. I've haven't gotten one since 6 grade." She shrugged
"I always get one. It's great prevention." Quinn said
"Yea, and you manage to catch the flu every year anyways." Santana rolled her eyes
"My immune system isn't very good."
"Even Brittany doesn't get sick as often as you do and Brittany touches everything." Santana cleared her throat.
"That's true." Brittany agreed.
"You're not helping." Quinn glared at Brittany
"Whatever." Brittany went back to playing on her phone. Santana coughed into her elbow. Her throat was beginning to feel raw. She sneezed, her body jolting forward.
"Take some medicine." Quinn threw her a bottle of DayQuil
"I am not drinking that. It taste like vomit." She protested. The Latina gave a chesty cough.
"Quinn, is that you?"
"Yea." She answered
"That cough sounds horrible. Do you want some cough drops?" Quinn looked over at Santana. Santana nodded.
"Yes!" Judy walked in with a bag of cough drops. Santana sneezed unexpectedly
"Bless you. Hope your not getting sick." Judy said, concerned
"No, of course not. I'm as healthy as a horse." Santana forced a smile
"Alright then." Judy went back downstairs. Santana grabbed a cough drop.
"This blows." Santana sighed. She rolled over. She was cranky. Being under the weather was the worst. She grumbled something into a pillow.
"San, can we have pillow fight?" Brittany asked. She ignored her. "So, can we?"
She covered her ears.
"Pretty please!" Brittany jumped on the bed. "Pretty, pretty, please!" She began to lose her cool. "Super duper, pretty please!"
"Adding more words in front of please isn't going to make me say yes! No! We can't have a pillow fight, so stop asking!" Santana snapped. Brittany eyes began to water.
"Aww, Britt. Don't take it personally. She's just grumpy cause she's sick." Quinn hugged Brittany.
"She doesn't have to be so mean." Brittany pouted
"She just needs some tea or medicine." Quinn said. Santana just continued to ignore them. She was upset at them. She didn't know why, but she would think of a reason.
"Is she ignore us?" Brittany looked over at Quinn
"Yea, but don't worry she'll come around." Quinn smiled. Santana rolled over and looked at them. She couldn't stay mad at them for long. She opened her mouth to say something, but in that exact moment she was overcome by a sneeze fit.
"Bless you." Quinn said, sweetly. She sneezed again
"Bless you again." She sneezed a third time
"God bless your soul!" Quinn kept repeating the phrases until she stopped.
"Okay, I get it! You're trying to save my soul. It's too late my soul has been take over! News flash, I am Satan!" She yelled at Quinn. Quinn just laughed.
"I want to go home." Santana grumbled. Quinn went downstairs and told her mother to drive them home. Brittany was dropped of first. She sat in the car trying to muffle her coughs and sneezes on the way home. The car stopped right in front of her house. She got out of the car.
"Santana." Judy called
"Feel better."
"How did you know?" She asked, dumbfounded. She knew Quinn was wondering the same thing
"A mother alway knows and besides I can tell the difference between Quinn coughs and sneezes and your coughs and sneezes. You think I didn't heard your sneeze fit. Please Santana, I'm not dumb." Judy told her
"Oh um.." Santana didn't know what to say
"Feel better, Santana." Judy smiled before driving away. Santana walked into the house.
"Hola mamá!" She faked the cheerfulness
"Cut the act. I know you're sick. Judy called." Maribel said, feeling her daughter's forehead. "Bed, now. Your papì will check on you when he gets him." She nodded and trudged to her room. She changed into her pajamas and slipped into her bed. Santana shivered. She was cold and hot at the same times. Her mother walked into the room.
"Santana, your dad will be here in a few minutes." She nodded. Her mom went back downstairs. She didn't understand how she went from fine to complete crap in a few hours.  She heard the door open. Footsteps walked upstairs. The bedroom door opened. Her father walked in.
"Hola, mija." He greeted
"Hola papì." She said, softly
"I'm going to take your temp." Santana nodded and turned away from her dad to avoid sneezing on him.
"Salud, mija."
"Gracias." She wiped her nose on the sleeve. Her father took her temp. She had a fever of 102. He gave her some medicine. She drifted off to sleep.

Happy Fourth of July💥💥! Hope you had a great day!

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