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Summary: Beth is pregnant. Quinn, Puck and Santana help her through the experience

Santana was looking over the kids. Quinn had a date with Sam and had asked Santana to take care of the kids. They hadn't gone on a date since the first year they had gotten married so she agreed. She loved her niece and nephew anyways.
Beth was also over. Shelby had allowed her to spend the summer with Quinn. Quinn was absolutely elated to learn that. Beth was actually the one that pushed her and Sam to get on a date.
At first, it was awkward. Beth didn't know what to call Quinn. She called Puck dad or daddy since she didn't have a father figure when she was with Shelby, but Shelby was her mother. She just started calling her Aunt Quinn.
Beth was 15. Jonas was 9. Ashley was 5. Santana loved being with her niece and nephew. She would spoil them rotten. As for Beth, they had gotten close to her over the summer. They talked about a lot of stuff. Boy problems and girl troubles.
They were out in the pool. Jonas and Ashley were in the water while Beth and Santana tanned. Beth wore a Navy blue one piece while Santana wore a black bikini that showed off her abs.
"Hey Tana?"
"Don't tell Aunt Quinn, but I think I'm pregnant." Beth mumbled
"You're what?!"
"Don't be mad."
"You could be late." Santana prayed to God Beth was late.
"I'm regular."
"I can make you an appointment for tomorrow if you'd like."
"Really? Thanks." Beth smiled

Next day
"Where are you two going?" Quinn asked
"Um, we're going shopping." Beth said
"Santana.." Beth looked at Santana
"I need new shoes."
"Oh really? What store?" Quinn asked
"I'm not sure quite yet."
"I'll see you guys later then." Quinn waved. They walked out.
"Thanks for putting me on the spot, Beth."
"I panicked."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"No offense but, you're getting pretty old. Shouldn't you start having children. I mean dad and you should get going."
"Your dad is very busy and so am I. We decided that we're going to start trying in 6 months so be on a lookout. Besides, I'm not old. I'm 31."
"That's old." Beth laughed
"Shut it, missy." Santana stuck her tongue out at her.
They took a seat. Beth and Santana made small talk until Beth's name was called.
"Hello Santana, hello Beth. What seems to be the problem?" Doctor Vera smiled.
"My step-daughter Beth thinks she's pregnant. We wanted to get it confirmed."
"Would you like a blood test?"
"Yes." Santana nodded. Dr. Vera did the blood test.
"Well, congratulations Beth, you're pregnant." Dr. Vera smiled. Beth was shocked.
"Thank you Doc." Santana said and helped Beth to the car.
"What am I going to do? Dad and Aunt Q are going to kill me, not to mention mom back in New York."
"I think Quinn and Puck are going to understand. They were in the same situation 15 years ago after all. Shelby, well, if Shelby doesn't understand you can live with Puck and I."
"Thanks Santana. You're the best."
"I love you kiddo. So, who do you wanna tell first?"
"I want to tell Mom first and then daddy and Aunt Q."
"Okay." When they got home, they called Shelby.
"Hello?" Shelby answered
"Mom, it's me, Beth."
"Hello Beth. How are you, baby girl?"
"I'm good. I have something to say."
"What is it? Do you want to come home?"
"No, it's just.."
"What's wrong? Are you sick? I'm getting worried." Shelby said worry evident in her voice
"No, I'm pregnant." Beth said. There was silence at the other end. "Mom, are you still there?"
"I need to think." Shelby said, her voice wavering
"Mom, please don't be mad."
"Give me time. I'll call you back." Shelby hung up. Beth burst into tears. Santana hugged her. Beth cried into her chest.
"Shh, it's okay. You can stay here or with Quinn if Shelby decides to kick you out."
"I'm scared to tell Aunt Q and Dad."
"They'll understand. I promise and if they don't, I'll go Lima Heights Adjacent on their ass." Santana smiled when Beth giggled.
Puck walked through the door. He saw Beth's red eyes and walk to her side.
"What's wrong, Beth?"
"I have to say something, but I need Aunt Q here to."
"Alright, I'll give her a call." Puck nodded and pulled out his phone.
Quinn walked in the house. She got a call from Puck saying it was something urgent. She drove over to the house as quick as she could.
"What's wrong?" Quinn asked
"Aunt Q, Daddy, I'm pregnant." Beth said. They were shocked. Quinn felt tears prick her eyes. She let the tears fall.
"A.. Are you sure?" Quinn asked
"Yes, we got it confirmed." Beth nodded.
"Wow, I don't know what to say." Quinn was flabbergasted. Quinn cried.
Puck cried as well. The sound broke Beth's heart.
"Aunt Q, Daddy, I didn't mean to disappoint you." Beth said.
"You didn't disappoint us. We're disappointed in ourselves. We tried to make sure you didn't make the mistake that we did. We failed you." Puck said. Beth hugged both her parents.

3 months later
Santana, Quinn and Puck thought that it was best to have a tutor come and teach Beth at home while she was pregnant.
They decided to have her live with Puck and Santana. Quinn had irregular hours because she was always being paged in. Sam was busy with his acting career. Santana wasn't working at the moment so she would keep an eye on her.
Shelby had decided to let Beth chose if she wanted to stay with Quinn or if she wanted to go home. Beth decided to stay and raise her baby in Los Angeles, but she would have to go visit Shelby every summer.
"Santana, I'm hungry."
"You're always hungry." Santana mumbled
"I heard that!" Beth glared at her. "Don't hate just because the pregnant one gets to be spoiled."
"Just wait till I have my baby. This is going to come back and bite you in the ass."
"Yeah, whatever Eggo-no-Preggo." Santana rolled her eyes.
"Revenge is sweet." Santana muttered. One day, Beth would be the one dealing with her hormones.

5 months later
Beth was as big as a house, but no one dared to say it. Lately, she's been roasting anyone and anything that got in her way. She yelled at Puck for not matching the towels in her bathroom.
"Aunt Quinn, what are those?!" Beth howled with laughter.
"She's so mean." Quinn whispered to Santana.
"Try living with her. Puck and I kept trying to get it on, but she shuts us down and tell us we shouldn't have old people sex while she's in the house. She said my boobs are saggy." Santana pouted
"They are not. They are so perky."
"Thanks and your heels are so cute."
"Her hormones are all over the place." Quinn shook her head
"Uh, Santana, Aunt Quinn?"
"Yes?" Quinn answered
"My water broke." She mumbled. They rushed to the hospital. Quinn was giving tips on how to have an easy and pain free labor.
At 3:15 am, baby Christina Joanne Corcoran was born. She was tiny and small. She was perfect.

Hey y'all. It's me. This one is going to have a part two. Take care.

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