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Summary: Everything is not as it seems. Santana Lopez's life isn't as perfect as everyone thinks it is.

"Oh please, like you aren't little Ms. Perfect:" Mercedes snapped and everyone else nodded.
Santana wished she could tell them what she goes through. Just because her life seems perfect doesn't mean it is.
It's hard to fit into the perfect daughter mold. Her family isn't allowed to be imperfect. They don't make mistakes. They are the ideal family.
Her father, the hardworking doctor who saves lives and then comes home and spoil his baby girl.
Her mother, the lawyer who puts the criminals in jail and stands up for the defenseless victims. She comes home to be a loving wife and mother.
Santana, the perfect daughter. She's the captain of the Cheerios, has a great GPA, volunteers at the hospital on her spare time, is musically talented and is slim and beautiful.
Everything a girl is supposed to be. Everything a family is supposed to be.
What they don't know is that it comes with a price. Her father is almost never home. He's too busy at work and so is her mother.
They aren't bad parents. Santana was sure that if they didn't work so much they would actually have time to give her love and affection.
They made up for their time gone with gifts. They got her whatever she wanted. She didn't mind it, but sometimes all she really wanted was hugs and kisses and for them to tell her they loved her.
Her image was hard to keep too. She had to basically starve herself. Sometimes, she would give in to her cravings, but they came back up immediately when she was done.
She only volunteered at the hospital because her father made her. She wouldn't be there if it weren't for her father. She would often hear her father get compliments about her from the nurses and the patients.
"Dr. Lopez, you're daughter is such a compassionate young woman. It's not everyday you see a teenager volunteering at a hospital." An elderly woman said.
"My Santanita is always looking to help. She makes me so proud." That was as close to love as she could get from him. Only when he spoke of her to others was when she felt his love.
"Dr. Lopez, you're daughter is such a lovely young woman. She's always so polite and friendly. She'll be a woman one day." A nurse said.
"She most certainly will be a great woman just like her mother." Carlos agreed.
She spent hours on end studying for tests and other things. She wasn't naturally smart. She had to work at it until she actually got it. She had to review and practice. It was hell, but she did it to maintain her image.
Her mother had gotten her a teacher to teach her how to play the piano when she was 3. She could barely make sentences much less play the piano. She did it somehow. By the age 6, she had many of her mother's favorites memorized and played them for her. At age 7, she was introduced to the violin. She had to practice from the time she came home from school till bedtime. She eventually mastered it at 12. She was classically trained. She was not allowed to play any pop on the piano or the violin.
Her parents knew she had a beautiful voice, but they didn't want her to sing. Only the piano and violin were acceptable. No vocals. It wasn't till Glee where she learned that her voice was a lot more powerful than she had known. Her vocals were just as good as Rachel's and Mercedes' vocals.
Everything was to be pristine. Good posture and no slouching. No elbows on the table and she must ask to be excused. She must act ladylike and only dresses, skirts and nice blouses. Jeans and T-Shirts were not acceptable. No bad behavior or horrible composure. No emotions to be shown in public. Close your legs and sit right. Smile and act happy. Be as close to perfection as you can.
She was to be perfect. Always perfect. Nothing less would be acceptable. What the glee club didn't know was that sometimes, she got tired of being perfect.
Santana Lopez was perfect, but she would do anything to be imperfect. She would do anything to break perfection.

Just a little something I came up with today.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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