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Summary: Santana is in a crash and she sees her life past through her eyes.

Santana was driving to work. She was humming to the music on the radio. Suddenly, the car was hit and it went black.
She opened her eyes and saw nothing, but white. She was confused. She took a step. She saw her mother and her father. They were smiling at a baby.
"Santana, her name is Santana." Her mother said. Santana gasped. That was her.
She was suddenly somewhere else.
"Mamí, it hurts!" A four year old Santana cried. She had a cut on her foot.
"I know, but I'll make it better." Maribel cleaned the cut while Santana cried out in pain.
"Ow! I want Mr. Snuggles!" Santana cried. Mr. Snuggles was a stuffed elephant that Santana loved.
"There it's all better." Maribel smiled. Santana continued crying.
"Kiss it better." She sniffled
"I'm not kissing your foot, Santana. I'll kiss your cheek instead." Maribel kissed her cheek.
Santana smiled. She had forgotten all about Mr. Snuggles. She really loved that elephant.
She was now looking at a 6 year old Santana.
"Papí!" Santana ran to the door and hugged her dad. She wanted to surprise her father and dressed up like a doctor. She did it all with the help of her mamí.
"Hola mija!"
"Papí, I want to be a doctor like you!" She smiled showing of her stethoscope.
"Oh really? I bet you'll be the best doctor, even better than me."
"No one can be better than you. Not even me."
"You can always be better than me." She spent the rest of the day playing doctor.
Santana remember that day well. She had wrapped her father's head in bandages and had put band aids all over the place.
She was standing in the isle. Her beautiful wife was standing there with her.
"Do you, Brittany Pierce, take Santana as your lovely wedded wife?"
"I do." Brittany looked her in the eye. She felt butterflies in her stomach.
"Do you, Santana Lopez, take Brittany Pierce as your lovely wedded wife?"
"I do."
"Then by the power invested in me, I know pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride." Brittany and Santana kissed. The crowd cheered. They smiled.
Santana would never forget her wedding night. They was the night she had stopped being Santana Lopez and became Santana Lopez-Pierce. It was an incredible night.
"Push, babe, push!" Brittany let out a scream and then a cry filled the room. Santana kissed Brittany forehead.
"It's a girl." They handed the baby to Brittany.
"Look at her, San."
"She's beautiful." Santana whispered. Delilah looked exactly like Brittany. She had blue eyes and blonde hair.
"She really is."
"Our little Delilah."
Delilah was perfect. She was an angel. She had loved Delilah ever since she heard her heartbeat. Delilah was now six and was very energetic. She was so much like Brittany. She was always smiling. They had wanted to have another baby, but Santana was always opposed to it. Thinking over it, Santana couldn't wait to have another baby and this time she wanted to carry.
Santana opened her eyes. There was a bright light. Her vision was blurry, but she could see a figure. As her vision got clearer she could see it was Brittany.
"Oh, San." Brittany hugged her.
"Where's Delilah?"
"She's at your mom's house."
"Brittany, let's have another baby."
"I want another baby. I want to carry this time."
"Did you hit your head too hard?"
"I'm serious, B. I want a baby and I want to carry."
"We're going to have a baby?"
"We're going to have a baby." Santana nodded. Brittany smiled. There family was growing and she couldn't wait for the baby to arrive.

Hey y'all. I know I've been gone a really long time. Two months I think. I'm back though. I've been hit with a bunch of ideas for one shots. Most of them involving babies because of Josey Hollis Dorsey. I'm on a baby craze. Expect to see a lot of baby one shots for quite some time around here.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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