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Summary: How Quinn, Rachel and Santana react to learning that Finn has died. Italics are thoughts

Rachel was sleeping when her phone rang. She rolled over to look at who was calling. It was Carole. She was confused. Why would Carole be calling her this early in the morning?
"Rachel, it's Finn." She sounded like she had been crying
"What's wrong with Finn?" She sat up. She was wide awake now.
"He's dead, Rachel." She felt her heart drop. He was gone. The love of her life was gone. Finn was dead. She cried into the pillow. Millions of thoughts flew through her mind. Why him? Why Finn? He was a good guy. He didn't deserve to die. We were supposed to get married and start a family.
She could never imagine a life without Finn. A life without Finn wasn't a life she wanted to live. Was her life destined to be a tragic love story? She was Rose and she had just lost her Jack. It just couldn't be. Finn couldn't be gone. She felt like this was a nightmare she would woke up from at any moment. She pinched herself. It was real. She was living this moment. Her world was crashing and burning. Finn had been her everything. She felt like she was drowning. She couldn't catch a breath. Her Finn was gone.

Santana had woken up to silence. She was usually woken up by Rachel's screeches. Something was wrong. Rachel never woke up after 6:30 unless something was wrong.
"Rachel" She called out. There was no answer. She opened the curtain just enough to let herself slip in. Rachel was curled up into a ball.
"Did you miss a Barbra Streisand meet and greet or something, ManHands?"
"He's dead." Was the only thing she said. She was beginning to think Rachel had gone off the edge.
"Who's dead?"
"Finn's dead. His mom called last night." Rachel said, staring at the wall. She was distant. It was almost like she wasn't even there. Santana looked at the wall. It was the only thing she could bring herself to do. She couldn't cry. For Rachel, she told herself. It wasn't for Rachel. It was because she knew she wouldn't stop crying if she let one tear out.
"Does Kurt know?"
"Yes, he knows. He's in his room." Santana nodded and went to check on Kurt.
"Kurt, are you okay?" She said, softly. Kurt just nodded. Santana lead him to Rachel's room. Rachel and Kurt sat in the room together. She went to make some tea. Her hands shook. She took the cups back to the room.
They all stayed silent. The didn't know what to say.
"I miss him." That was enough to set everyone off. Rachel let out a heart wrenching sob. Kurt cried silently and Santana could feel the tears fall out of her eyes. They hugged each other and cried. They felt comfort in each other's embrace.
"Do the other's know?" Santana asked
"The ones in Lima do, but I doubt the other's know. I was planning on calling them." Rachel looked at her hands
"I'll do it. You two stay here." Santana slipped out and began to dial a number

Quinn's phone rang.
"Hey San, what's up?"
"Quinn, I have some bad news." Her voice was raspy like she had been crying. She sounded sad.
"What's wrong?" She was currently in her dorm watching a show with her roommate.
"Finn died, Quinn." Those words echoed in her head. She hung up. A few tears rolled down her face.
"You okay?" Her roommate asked
"Yea. Um, my friend just died." She said, her voice cracking.
"Oh, I'll give you a little privacy." She walked out of the dorm. Quinn was thankful her roommate left. She didn't want to cry in front of her. She felt a whirlwind of emotions. She felt sadness, anger, confusion. He was nice. He was good. He didn't deserve to die young. He did make some mistakes, but he was a generally a good person.
Finn was just so nice. He looked out for everyone. He made sure they were all okay. He was the one who kept everyone from fighting. He stopped Rachel and Mercedes from fighting for solos. He kept Puck in control. He looked after her when he was pregnant. Finn was an angel and now he was literally one.
She loved him. In the beginning as a lover, but later on as a friend. She loved how he cared. He wasn't like every other guy because he cared. He listened most of the time. He would go to the end of the earth for the person he loved. He did it for her and then he did it for Rachel. Finn didn't deserve this.

In honor of Cory Monteith. 2 years without you, baby. Miss you. Rest in Peace.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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