Perfectly Imperfect

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Summary: Quinn wouldn't change a thing. Her wife was perfect.

Quinn smiled as she sees her wife is still asleep. Her hair is a mess and she looks she hasn't slept in days, but she didn't care. She was the most beautiful woman in the world.
She didn't care about the stretch marks she had on her stomach. It was a reminder of one of the best things that had ever happened to them. Their newborn son who was asleep in the bassinet right next to their bed. She didn't care about the the small scar on her wife's rib cage. She got it the time they were in a car accident. She wouldn't stop worrying about Quinn and had completely forgot to look after herself till the medic told her she had a gash on her ribs and that she would need stitches. She didn't care about the scar she had on her left wrist. It was the time she almost lost Santana. She come home from work to find her in the bath tub unconscious and barely breathing. She almost lost her, but fate had other plans.
She loved her wife. She loved her with all her heart. Her life wouldn't be the same without her.
"Stop staring you weirdo." Santana mumbled sleepily.
"You're just so beautiful."
"If you say so." Santana said and went back to sleep.
Quinn kissed Santana's check and then pulled her close. Quinn sighed comfortably and closed her eyes. She loved her wife and nothing could ever change that.

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