Music Shuffle

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Summary: Music Shuffle: Irreplaceable by Beyoncé

Santana had had enough. Her girlfriend was annoying. She was petty and she was controlled by envy. She use to be sweet, but now Santana couldn't stand her. Plus, Sandy was playing Santana, but Santana wasn't stupid. She had found a month ago and was planning her sweet revenge.
"We're over."
"What!? You can't do that!" She screeched
"Who's going to stop me?" She raised her eyebrow.
"You'll never find someone like me!" She said.
"I can find tons of girls that are better. I can get another girl in a minute."
"You're going to regret this."
"No, I'm not. I'm done with you, Sandy. I'm done with your petty bullshit. With your vanity and the way you get jealous over nothing." Santana said as she walked Sandy out.
"Santana Lopez, if you close this door on me I am never going to come back for you. No matter how much you beg me too." Sandy glared at her.
"Good cause I don't need you. Have fun, Sandy." Santana closed the door. She could hear her give a frustrated yell. Santana smirk.
"Oh, and Sandy?" She yelled out through the window. Sandy turned around and looked hopeful. "I called her. She's expecting you over in 10. I already sent over your belongings."
"How?" She looked surprised.
"I'm not stupid. Have fun, boo." Santana poured herself a glass of wine. She was always the one winning at the end.

So I'm just going to be doing music shuffles till I get bored.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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