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Summary: AU: Santana and Quinn go to a party. Santana passes out drunk and Brittany makes sure that Santana isn't taken by some random guy.

Santana had been dragged to a party with Quinn. She did not want to go.
"Quinn, can't you go to the stupid party alone?" Santana groaned
"I can, but you need to get out of the funk. She broke up with you three months ago, San. You can't just mope anymore. There are more fish in the sea. I'm sure you'll find one."
"Fine. I'll go."
"Yay!" Quinn smiled.
The music was deafening. People were dancing and laughing. Most were already drunk. Santana tried to stay close to Quinn, but she disappeared 15 minutes the party.
She grabbed a red cup and walked over to the keg. She filled the cup up and drank from it and then repeated the whole process till she felt buzzed.
She danced for a while. She ten went back to the keg and tried to down as much beer as she could.
Suddenly, she could fell all that beer taking effect. She walked over to the couch and sat down. The people dancing looked more like blobs of color. She could fell her eyes closing and then she fell under.
Brittany was walking around the party. It was her 23 birthday and her friends decided to throw her a party. She hadn't expected many people to come, but word got out and the party got out of control. She was okay with it. She was going to relax and have fun.
She noticed a girl lying down on the couch. A random guy was looming  over her. He had his hand on her legs and was working his way up to her thighs. She walked over to the where Puck was standing.
"Shut it down."
"Shut it down now!" Puck nodded and yelled at everyone to leave. She made her way back to the couch.
"Leave her alone." Brittany shoved the dude out of the way. The guy stared at her with a blank expression. "Leave now!" The guy got up and walked away.
The apartment was empty. There was cups thrown everywhere.
"Mike, can you take the brunette.Tina, Puck and I will start cleaning." They all nodded and started doing their jobs. The guys came back and started cleaning a few moments later.
Santana woke up in a random bed. She looked around and tried to make out her surroundings. She couldn't what she had done. The last thing she could recall was laying down on the couch. Had she been taken? Had she been raped? Santana began to panic. She threw off the covers and was relieved to see she was fully clothed. She grabbed her phone and made her way to the door.
She opened the door and saw four people standing in what seemed to be a kitchen.
"You're awake!" Brittany chirped.
"Uh yeah. Who are you?" Santana rasped
"I'm Brittany and those are my roommates Tina, Mike and Puck. What's your name?"
"Santana. What happened last night?"
"Well, you came to my birthday party. I think you got too drunk and got sleepy. You feel asleep in my couch. Some guy was touching you, but I got there before he did anything." Brittany explained.
"Oh, thanks for saving me I guess."
"No problem. Who'd you come with? I don't think I invited you."
"I came with Quinn. She's my best friend."
"I love Quinn! She's so nice and friendly. I'm so glad she came." Santana didn't understand how Brittany could be so energetic, but she liked it. She gave off a good vibe. "You want some breakfast?"
"No, I have to go." Santana shook her head
"Alright, don't be a stranger Santana." Brittany walked her to the door.
"I won't. Maybe we can hang out some time."
"I'd like that." Brittany smiled softly.
Santana walked away.
Maybe there was a chance of something more, but for now she would be satisfied with being friends.

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