Gay Pride

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Summary: Brittany and Santana host a barbecue while awaiting the results of legalizing gay marriage.

Santana and Brittany sat on the couch and watched the news. The Supreme Court was making a decision on gay marriage.
"Santana, your missing all the fun." Quinn said. They were hosting a barbecue, but were caught up with the news. Finn, Rachel, Quinn, Puck, Kurt and Blaine were there.
"We'll be out in a minute." She called out
"Please vote yes." Brittany muttered to herself.
"Guys, come out and have fun." Puck yelled
"Shut up, Puckerman! I can't hear the news!" Santana snapped at him
"Calm down, babe." Brittany rubbed Santana's hand
"Sorry, it's just I'm nervous on what the outcome will be." They held hands and stared at the t.v. waiting for any news on legalizing gay marriage
"Breaking news: The Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage." The reporter said.
"Oh my god, Britt. It's legal!" She hugged Brittany.
"I can't believe it!" Brittany had tears in her eyes. They ran outside.
"It's legal! We can get married!" Santana  yelled out
"Oh my god! That's fantastic!" Quinn hugged the Latina. The backyard was filled with happiness.
"Blaine, you hear that? We can get married!" Kurt said, happily
"We did it, Kurt! We did it!"
"This is such a great day!" Brittany yelled out. Santana and Brittany kissed. Kurt and Blaine followed suit. It was a miracle. They could get married. It was going to be okay. They were finally able to do what they have always wanted. They were finally able to be groom and groom. They were finally able to be wife and wife

We did it! Gays and Lesbians can get married in America. 💜💙💛💚Love wins! Such a great day for the USA! Have a great day my lovelies
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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