Allergic Reaction

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Summary: Santana has an allergic reaction to some cookies that Rachel made for glee club.

It was typical afternoon in glee club. They had all rehearsed the songs and practiced their danced moves.
"Great job, guys!" Mr. Schue praised. Santana sat next Quinn and Brittany.
"We're totally going to win Nationals this year." Finn high fived Puck.
"If we want to win we need to practice a lot more." Rachel said. Santana rolled her eyes. Rachel would be the only one saying that. She thought that the New Directions were working quite hard.
"Rachel, c'mon, we're trying our best. Not all of us were trained to become a star at a young age."
"Finn, this is Nationals we're talking about. 2 hours of practice isn't going to cut it. We need 5 at the least." Everyone groaned. "But, since I've noticed that you guys have been trying very hard, I brought cookies!" Everyone cheered. Rachel placed the tin box on the piano. Everyone instantly ran towards the piano. They all moaned in delight as they bite into them.
"Oh god, these are like heaven." Finn drooled at the sight of the cookies.
"I made them myself." Rachel beamed, proudly
"Is there anything you're not good at?" Kurt rolled his eyes
"I've been taught to be the best and only the best." Rachel said, eating a cookie.
Santana had to admit that the cookies were good. Who was she kidding, they were like piece of heaven in hell. They were just too damn good.
Santana began to feel itchy. She looked down at her arms. She was developing hives. She began to feel nauseous and like she was suffocating. She was running out of breath.
"What's in the cookies?" Mercedes asked
"Vanilla, Peanut butter..." Quinn and Santana eyes widened.
Quinn was the only person who knew she was allergic to peanuts. Quinn  looked at Santana and could immediately see the signs of anaphylaxis setting in. Her face and lips were beginning to swell and the hives were all over her skin. Santana was struggling to breathe. Quinn looked through Santana's bag for the EpiPen. Once she found it, she immediately injected it into Santana's thigh.
"We need to go to the hospital, now!" She yelled out
"God dammit! Santana's going into anaphylaxis! We need to go!" They all ran out of the classroom. Puck carried Santana in his arms. Everyone got into their cars and drove to the hospital. Quinn sat in the back with Santana as Puck drove to the hospital.
"Hurry up! This a life threatening condition! She could die." She yelled at Puck
"I'm going as fast as I can." The hospital came into view. They parked the car and ran to the ER.
"Help, she's going into anaphylaxis!" The doctor's and nurses began to swarm around Santana. She was semi-conscious. She seemed out of it. The glee club piled into the hospital. They sat on chairs waiting for any news. Maribel walked in a few minutes later.
"Where's my baby?" Maribel asked them
"She's being looked over." Quinn answered
"What happened?"
"Rachel brought some peanut butter cookies and she ate one. We didn't know until she went into anaphylaxis." Quinn explained.
Maribel sat down and waited for the news on her daughters. Dr. Lopez came out to them how Santana was doing
"Carlos, how's my baby?" Maribel asked, anxiously
"She's fine, Maribel. We managed to help her in time. She should be ready to go." Everyone sighed in relief. Maribel signed the discharge papers and they went home. The glee club piled into the Lopez house.
"I'm sorry, Santana. I didn't mean to try to kill you." Rachel apologized
"It's all cool. The cookies were great until my throat began to swell."
"Glad your okay." Rachel hugged Santana. The rest of the day the new directions hung out and had fun. They had weaknesses and now they knew that Santana's weakness were peanuts.

I know I should be updating my other stories, but I have so many ideas rushing through my head right now. I'll probably be posting two more one-shots today.

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