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Summary: The hardest word to say is goodbye

"I love you, Brittany. I really do, but I just can't do this anymore." Santana sighed.
"We can keep trying. I promise it'll work. We'll make it work." Brittany grabbed her hands.
"That's what you said last time and the time before that and so on. It never works, Britt and it never will."
"We just need to try harder."
"I'm done trying, Britt. I'm done trying to fit somewhere I'm obviously not meant to be. We can try again, but we'll end up back here. We always end up back here." She ran her fingers through her hair. This was probably the 5 time they had broken up.
"We have to keep trying, San. We can't give up." Brittany cried.
"You don't get it, B! It's not going to work out! It wasn't meant to work out! We can't go on pretending that this time it'll work when deep die we both know it won't." Brittany whispered as she sat down next to Santana.
"I-I just like to think that maybe it'll work."
"I want to think that too, but I just can't anymore. We're only hurting each other."
"Maybe I like being hurt if it means that you'll be here."
"Britt, that isn't healthy. This is toxic! This whole damn relationship is toxic! We both deserve to be happy. I don't want to hurt you anymore, Brittany."
"I don't want to hurt you either."
"Then let me go. We have to let go."
"I...I guess this is goodbye." Brittany stood up and Santana followed suit.
"Goodbye, Brittany." Santana hugged her.
"Goodbye, Santana." She hugged her back.

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