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Summary: Finn and Santana hook up once again. Santana discovers she's pregnant at 18. She gets an abortion.

Santana sat down in a chair. She was waiting for her procedure.
She remembers the day she found out she was pregnant.
Santana stared at the test. They all read positive. She couldn't believe it. There was child in her stomach.
It was all Finn's fault. If he had worn a condom she wouldn't be in this situation. She had to admit it was part her fault as well. She should of been more careful.
She knew what she had to do. She couldn't even think of having a baby. She didn't want anything associated with it. She didn't want to grow a bump. She didn't want any stupid craving. She didn't want any stupid hormones and she wanted the stupid morning sickness to end.
Santana met with Finn after a conformation from her doctor
"What do you want Santana?" Finn rolled his eyes
"I'm going to be frank with you. I'm pregnant." She handed him a copy of the ultrasound.
"You're pregnant. So there's a baby in there?" He put his hand on her stomach.
"Yes, but not for long. I'm getting an abortion. It's scheduled for next Monday. You can come if you want." She smacked his hand away
"Are you sure about this?"
"I'm not ready to be a mom. I'm not ready to support a child. How am I supposed to care for something like this if I can't even handle the stress of school? I want to do something with my life, Finn. How am I supposed to make a future with a kid weighing me down? I know you don't want be a father at this age. If you don't have a problem with having kid then I can cancel the appointment and we can raise this kid together, but this would absolutely ruin your relationship with Rachel." Santana said. She was right. They weren't ready to be parents. Finn didn't want to become a dad at this age. He couldn't support a child, but he didn't want to kill it.
"Can't we put it up for adoption like Quinn and Puck did?"
"No, we can't do that! My parents and abuela would kill me if they found out I was with child. They are very judgmental. My mother is a lawyer and my dad is a plastic surgeon. You know what type of scandal would happen if word got out that their teen daughter was pregnant? They would lose clients left and right. They would kick me out of the house. Besides, I have a reputation to maintain and you do too. We would become loser in an instant. We would become outcast. We would be shamed. Do you want that to happen?" Santana glared at him
"It's whatever. I don't care about that. We should just give it up."
"You don't get it! Think Finn, Think! What would this do to your relationship with Rachel? She would surely dump you the moment she finds out you're becoming a dad. She isn't going to go out with someone who has a child. The child would just get in her way. You really think she's going to stay with you if you have child? She has goals Finn and being a step mother to our child isn't one." Santana huffed. Finn knew that Santana had a point. If she kept the baby all his chances with Rachel were gone.
"We'll get an abortion. I'll go with you, but I just want to know one thing."
"What is it?"
"When is the baby's due date?"
"May 3rd. See you Monday."  She walked away
Sure enough Finn was there on Monday. They sat together
When she went in, the doctor gave her the pill and instructed her on what to do when it was time to use misoprostol. They also told her that she might have spotting for around four weeks.
2 days later, she inserted the misoprostol and it all began. She was staying home from school that week and was sleeping at Finn's house. They had just told Carole that Santana was sick and there was no one to take care of her.
She felt terrible for the first few hours. She was throwing up and had horrible cramps. Carole had even offered to take her to the hospital. She denied it. The rest of the process was fairly easy. It felt like as if she was on her period.
The next week she went for a check up and the doctor had confirmed that she was no longer pregnant.
"Is it over?" Finn asked when she walked out
"Yes, I'm not pregnant anymore." Finn wasn't going to be a dad. Santana wasn't going to be a mom and there was no longer a child. They both felt an immense wave of relief. It was all over

So I know abortion is a very controversial topic. This just popped into my head while reading about a story. Don't hate me.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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