Eating Disorder

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Summary: Santana is sick with an eating disorder

Santana lived a happy life. She had a wonderful husband, a nice house, designer clothes and unlimited cash. Puck had an increasingly successful business causing them to bring in money like their was no tomorrow. Santana never had to work a day in her life because of that business. They married young, but their marriage was great. Her life was perfect, except it wasn't.
She was struggling with an eating disorder. Her obsession to be skinny had become worse. She never thought that at 23 she would be struggling with something so serious. She didn't know when it started, just that as time passed she would obsess more and more.
Puck hadn't noticed. Sometimes, she would eat a lot and then tell him that her stomach hurt so she could go vomit. Puck always thought that she had a stomach problem. He hadn't figured it out and Santana didn't want him to. He would make her stop and she didn't want.
She kept losing and losing. It made her feel good. The numbers kept becoming smaller and smaller, but it was never enough for her. The less she ate, the less strength she had. She was always tired. She couldn't go up the stairs anymore.
"You okay?" Puck asked, when she stopped at the third step
"Yea, just tired."
"You're just at the third step. C'mon." She took 3 more steps before her legs have out and Puck had to carry her up.
That's when her secret started to unravel. Puck was more vigilant. He urged her to eat more and wouldn't allow her to use the restroom after. He always frowned when she barely touched her plate and say she was full.
She found ways around his plan. When he wasn't looking, she would spit the food into her napkin. When he was in the shower, she would sneak outside and puke until she dry heaved. When he was working late, she would skip eating.
She would strenuously work out when he was gone. It helped her keep of weight when she did happen to eat the night before.
The first time she did pass out she was climbing the stairs. Luckily, Puck was there to catch her. He was really scared then. He didn't want to leave her alone. So, he got a close friend to watch over her. He was paying a lot of money so she didn't mind taking time off work. Quinn was set to look after her.
"You have to eat." She would say
"I'm not hungry." Santana grumbled
"Well then, looks like we're not leaving the table." Quinn challenged. One day, they really didn't leave the table. Puck came home and breakfast was still being served.
"You need help, Santana." He told her
"I'm fine."
"You need to stop or I won't hesitate to put you in a rehabilitation center."
"I said I'm fine!" She yelled
The last straw was when her heart gave out. She was with Puck. She walked over to the couch and then she was on the ground. She had no pulse and Puck did CPR while he waited for the paramedics to arrive. She couldn't remember much from that day except waking up in the hospital. She was told by Puck what had happened.
She agreed to go the rehabilitation center because Puck wanted her to. She didn't want to hurt him. She had only wanted to fix herself, but did she really need to be fixed?
As the treatment went on she could answer that question. Every no she would say would bring her closer to the finish line until she finished.
She still hear voices in her telling her she was fat.
She heard the loud and clear, but she didn't listen to them
She wasn't going to let them win.

Hello again. Okay so, I'm going to to go in to a very serious rant here so you can just ignore this if you want to.
If you have an eating disorder, you need help because it's a very serious illness and could cost you your life. Being skinny isn't everything. Being healthy is what is important. I know weight is a huge issue for lots of young people including me.
I don't have an eating disorder, but I have binged and thrown up and then eaten again. It was a weird feeling, but it feels good. Luckily, I stopped before it developed into a full blown disorder.
Pleas, if you have an eating disorder, seek for help.
Have a fantastic day
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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