Love will Remember

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Summary: Songfic: Love will remember by Selena Gomez 

Now's all we got,
And time can't be bought,
I know it inside my heart
Forever will forever be ours,
Even if we try to forget,
Love will remember

You said you loved me,
I said I loved you back,
What happened to that?
What happened to that?

Santana stared at a picture of her and Brittany. She remembered how she felt that day. They were so in love. They were so happy. What happened? She didn't know.

All your promises,
And all them plans we had,
What happened to that?
What happened to that?

Boom gone,
Yeah, we move on
Even if we try to forget

Love will remember you,
And love will remember me,
I know it inside my heart,
Forever will, forever be ours,
Even if we try to forget,
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember

Brittany had given her a engagement ring.
"I promise that you'll be my forever." She said. Who would of though that she lied? She tried to forget the past, but all around the house Brittany was there. Everything reminded her of Brittany

The trips we dreamed of takin',
The tacks left on the map,
What happened to that?
What happened to that?

When all you had was nothing,
And all we did was laugh,
What happened, what happened,
What happened to that?

Boom gone,
Yeah, we move on
Even if we try to forget

In the course of four years they had traveled the world. They took photos at every destination. They had gone to Cabo, Central America, Milan, London, Spain, China and many other places. Their final destination was Paris. They were going to get married under the Eiffel Tower. The day that they were supposed to depart, Santana woke up to an empty bed. Brittany had taken all her belongings. The rack that held the weddings dresses had only Santana's dress hanging and a sticky note on it that said: I'm sorry.
It has been a year and that day still haunted her.

Love will remember you,
And love will remember me,
I know it inside my heart,
Forever will, forever be ours,
Even if we tried to forget
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember

Break down the walls,
Let heaven in.
Somewhere in forever
We'll dance again.
We used to be inseparable.
I used to think that I was irreplaceable.
We lit the whole world up
Before we blew it up.
I still don't know just how we screwed it up

Love will remember you,
And love will remember me,
I know it inside my heart,
Forever will, forever be ours,
Even if we tried to forget
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember
Love will remember

Santana would never forget that day. She didn't know where she went wrong. She didn't know how she ruined it. She just hoped she would see her again so they could talk and maybe give love another chance, but for now that was only a wish she wished would come true.

Hola, here's another one shot. Hope y'all are having a wonderful day.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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