Dying Love

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Summary: Based of the Short film Quiet. Watch it first so you won't be lost.

I watched her lay in the bed. She was nothing like her usual self. Her usual smile was gone. Her hair wasn't as beau as it usually was. Santana visited Brittany everyday. She always brought her flowers.
"Hey, B. It's me again." She squeezed Brittany's hand.
The nurse came in.
"Santana, such a surprise to see you here." The nurse Jackson joked. Santana laughed.
"Thanks for brightening up my day."
"Any time, honey. You know, for sisters you don't look very much alike."
"So I've been told." Santana rubbed Brittany's arm. Nurse Jackson smiled.
"Oh and the head of the neurological department wants to see you." Santana nodded.
She sat down on the chair. Dr. Clinton began to speak.
"Ms. Lopez, we suggest you pull you sister off life support. She's not improving at all. There's nothing we can do for her."
"Dr. Clinton, there have been cases where the patient have improved incredibly if you just perform a certain type of surgery. For example, Joseph Campbell..."
"Trust me, she's not like those cases. Her brain activity is decreasing. There's no hope."
"I'm not pulling the plug. She can make it through. I know she can." Santana got up.
"If you need anything, just tell me." Santana nodded and walked out.
"He's right, you know. I'm not going to wake up." Brittany walked besides her
"I'm not giving up just yet. I know you can do it, Britt."
"You're so stubborn."
"Tell me something I don't know." Santana rolled her eyes
"You're a bitch, but you're my bitch." Brittany laughed. Santana had missed that sound. Brittany disappeared and she was alone again.
Santana woke up to a sound coming from the machines. She began to push the buttons when a nurse came in.
"Ma'am, please don't touch the equipment."
"Sorry, it just gets really annoying."
"Yes, well we can't have all the family members tampering with the equipment, can we?" She turned it off.
Santana squeezed Brittany's hand. The nurse watched the way they interacted. She said nothing, but her face told everything.
Their cover had blown. Santana cursed inwardly.
Santana was frustrated. She wasn't allowed to go back. They had found out she wasn't Brittany's sister. She could only visit during the time friends were allowed.
She remembered the day Brittany had gotten in the accident. They had fought about something stupid.
"Happy anniversary." Santana placed the food on the table
"Oh, I um, I just ate with Kurt. I'm sorry, I didn't know. I totally forgot."
"No, it's fine. It's fine. I can see I'm the only one who actually cares." Santana turned around so Brittany was facing her back.
"It's not even our anniversary. We had to do it two days before because of your work. Why can't you just quit? You're so tied up with it."
"Well one of us had to have a real job, Britt!"
"Whatever, I'm going out." Brittany grabbed her purse. "I love you." Santana stayed silent. Brittany walked out. Maybe she wouldn't have been hurt if she had gone after her. Maybe she would of been fine. Instead, she was stuck in the hospital.
Santana had to let go. It was time.
"Please Dr. Clinton. I need to be with here."
"Mrs. Lopez, we can't let you in."
"Remember when you said that if I needed anything, to tell you. Well, I need something."
"Ms. Lopez.."
"Please, I've made my decision. I've got to let her go, but please let her be with her family when she goes." Dr. Clinton looked to be contemplating it for a moment and then nodded. Santana gave him a smile and went to Brittany's room.
Quinn, Rachel and Finn were there for her. Santana took a seat because she knew her legs would give out if she stayed standing.
"Ready, sweetheart?" Nurse Jackson asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be." She nodded. There was a bit of shuffling and then she heard the sound she hoped she would never hear. Brittany flat lining.
Santana let out a sob. Her sunshine was gone. Her only reason to smile. Now, she was all alone.

Sorry for all the sad stuff. I'm just going through a rough patch. I honestly have a whole bunch of sad one shots I've started, but haven't finished. Expect just a few more.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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