False Positive

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Summary: Santana's reaction to having a false positive pregnancy test.

Santana and Puck had been casual sex since freshmen year of high school. It was something they always did when one of them had an itch to scratch.
5 years later, they still did it. Sometimes in Santana's apartment and sometimes in his. Once they even did it in the bathroom at a party.
Now, she was staring a positive pregnancy. She walked out of the bathroom.
"I'm pregnant." She chocked out showing him the test. Neither of them were ready to be parents. They had been in New York for a year. Puck worked at a music store and Santana worked as a waitress. They could barely support themselves. There was no way they could support a baby.
"What are we going to do?"
"I don't know." Santana broke down crying. Puck had never seen Santana cry. Not when her arm broke in third grade. Not when her abuelo died in fifth grade. Not even when her dad left her in eight grade. He didn't even know what to do. She was sitting there, hunched over, crying and Puck just stared at her. He finally came to his senses and hugged her
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get pregnant. I'm sorry." She sobbed. Puck felt horrible. She was just a girl who was scared about having a baby inside of her. He had been through this before. He was cool and collected, but she had never been in that situation. She was probably freaking out.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. It takes two to make a baby." Puck whispered.
"We should have been more careful. How could we have been so stupid?" She cried
"We should of known better, but now we have to go from here."
"I can make an appointment with a doctor."
"Yea, you do that." Puck nodded
The next day, Santana was sitting in the doctor's office.
"What seems to be the problem?" Dr. Roberts smiled.
"I'm pregnant." She mumbled. "I just need to confirm it."
"Blood test or Urine sample?"
"Blood test." They got blood and waited for the results. Santana sat patiently. This was the one test that could change her life. The one that could determine whether she was going to be a mother or not.
Doctor Roberts came back.
"Well, Ms. Lopez, you are not pregnant."
"Are you sure? The pregnancy test said I was."
"I can assure you, Ms. Lopez, that you aren't pregnant. You probably just got a false positive. It happens."
"Thank you so much." She walked out to the waiting room.
"So, are you preggo?"
"Nope. False alarm."
"Woah." Puck sighed in relief. They walked outside into the busy streets of New York. Puck put his arm on around her shoulder.
"That was scary. I hope one day I can be happy about getting a positive." Santana looked at her hands.
"Yeah, I hope so too. Maybe, if you want to, with me." Puck said.
"I wouldn't think about it with anybody else."

Aww Pucktana romance. So cute. I think next one is going to take place in the Forever and Always verse, but I'm not sure yet.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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