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Summary: You never know how much a child can change your life

Santana hadn't wanted a child. In fact, she had never wanted children. She thought they were bratty and snotty. They did nothing but ruin your life.
That changed when she had her son. She loved spending nights with him. She loved the way he would smile at her. She loved the way he would sigh in relief after she fed him. She loved the way he laughed. She loved the cute noise he would make when he sneezed. She loved the way he yawned. She loved everything he did in general.
There was a drastic change in her the day he was born. She learned that maybe kids were annoying to other people, but to their parents they were one of the best things that could have ever happened to them.
That's how she felt about her son, Oliver. He was a blessing. He was an eye opening and life changing surprise. He made her change her party girl lifestyle. He made her want to be a better person. He made her want to find a better job. She had degree. She could find something better.
Santana never thought that a child would make her want to change. She never thought a child would be the one to make her work harder.
She would do anything for Oliver. She would die for him if she had to. That's why she only wanted him to have the best. He didn't deserve a mother who partied all the time. He didn't deserve a mother that worked as a waitress when she could easily get a better job. He didn't deserve to have her as a mother.
Somedays, she would cry because she knew that she couldn't get him what he deserved. She couldn't find a job and was stuck as a waitress. A family of two was hard to maintain on a waitress' salary. She really needed a better job and she needed it quick.
It was hard at first. She was sleep deprived and had to be on her feet all day. She eventually grew accustomed and Oliver started sleeping through the nights.
She went back to school. She did it online so she could be at home with her son. She wanted something so much better for herself.
Santana never thought that a child could change her life so much. She didn't know how much of an impact they would make. She didn't know much about children, but like they say 'you never know unless you try' and Santana was so glad that she tried.

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