Stone Cold

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Summary: Songfic: Stone Cold by Demi Lovato

Stone cold, stone cold
You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor
Stone cold, stone cold
Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore

Santana watched as Brittany kissed another girl. She couldn't cry. She wouldn't cry. She had a serious face, but inside she was dying. Her heart was shattering as she watched on.

Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

She really tried to make it work. She tried the hardest, but in the end it didn't work. She looked away. It was all too much for her. If Brittany was happy with her than Santana was happy for her.

Stone cold, stone cold
You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone
Stone cold, stone cold
I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold

In the club, they would dance together or kiss in the corner. She would scroll through her phone like she didn't care, but she did. It looked like Brittany was truly happy. She remembered when Brittany used to look at her the way she looked at the other girl. She had been replaced.

Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

Santana didn't know where she went wrong. She thought it was going well and then Brittany became distant. She knew the end was near, but she tried so hard. God knows she tried her hardest. Eventually, she wasn't enough for Brittany and Brittany decided to move on. Her whole world came crumbling down, but she was happy for Brittany. At least one of them was happy.

Don't wanna be stone cold, stone
I wish I could mean this but here's my goodbye
Oh, I'm happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand
If happy is her, If happy is her
I'm happy for you

She wanted Brittany back, but it was too late. She heard that they were getting married in the summer. Santana couldn't bear to see Brittany marry someone else. She was leaving Lima for good. It was her last day there and she was spending it watching Brittany love someone else. She noticed Brittany walking over to her.
"Hey, San."
"Hey, B."
"Don't spend your last night standing there. Come and dance." Brittany smiled.
"I would love to, but I have to go." She said.
"Yea, I guess this goodbye."
"Bye, San." Brittany hugged her.
"I'm happy for you, Britt. I really am."
"Good luck, Santana. I hope you find love." Brittany kissed her cheek. Santana nodded and left. She sighed. If only Brittany knew she had left her heart with her.

Okay, I'm going to try being sad now. I'm off to start writing the next chapter of Raising Beth. I need to stop wallowing in my grief and start making an attempt to heal. It's going to be a long journey, but I'll get there. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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