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Summary: Forever and Always verse. Santana finds out she's infertile.

Santana was ready to have a baby. She wanted to wake up every morning and have a baby in her arms. She wanted to care for a child that she would watch grow. She wanted to nurture him or her through the hard moments of life.
"Puck?" She called out
"Hmm?" He looked up
"I-I want to have a baby." She smiled
"You do?"
"You don't want to?" Her face fell
"I do. I just thought you didn't want to."
"I want to. When she would we start?"
"How about now?" Puck smirked and picked her up bridal style.
That was the first night they tried. Santana didn't expect it to work on the first try. That was insane.
"Let's give it a go?" Puck asked
"Sure." Santana shrugged.
It didn't work the second either.
"You have time?" She asked
Or the third
"You wanna?"
And not the fourth either.
After 6 months of trying, it was clear something was wrong. It wasn't something wrong with Puck since he had impregnated Quinn all those years ago, so it must of been her.
They took tests. They examined Puck's sperm and Santana's eggs.
"Well, we've conducted studies and we've come to the conclusion that it is you, Ms. Lopez, who has a very low fertility rate. You're almost practically infertile." Santana felt her whole world crumble. There was something wrong with her. Her abuela said that all women had at least one job that they had to do in their lifetime and that was bear a child and become a mother. She couldn't even do that.
Tears came rushing out of her eyes. Puck rubbed her shoulders as the doctor explained treatments and other options.
"You can adopt or get a surrogate. There are also IVF shots and there are some drugs we can give you."
"IVF, when can we start?"
"In two weeks."
"Sign me up."
"Ms. Lopez, it's a very emotionally grueling treatment. We can't guarantee you'll get pregnant right or if you'll get pregnant at all. You also have to take in consideration of what your husband wants."
"Do you want to do this, Puck?" She turned to him
"I'll do whatever it takes."
"We're on board. I'll see you in two weeks."
Being infertile was hard news to absorb. She kept it from everyone. She distanced herself from Puck. She didn't feel complete. She didn't feel like a real woman. She also felt like she was failing Puck.
"Puck, are you disappointed?" She asked one night.
"About what?"
"About me not being able to give you children?" She didn't look at him in the eye.
"No, of course not." He could see Santana was on the on the verge of tears. He lifted her chin so she was starting at him. "I don't care if you can or can't have children. I love you and nothing is ever going to change that. I don't really care if we have children or not. Sure, I would like to have one running around here, but I don't need it." He wiped away her tears
"I'm broken, Puck. I can't give you an heir. I'm useless."
"You're not broken. You are capable of doing so many wonderful things. I don't need an heir, okay? You're not useless. I don't ever want to hear you talk about yourself like again. I love you, Santana. No inability of having a child is going to change that." He hugged her
"I just want to feel complete. I just want to have a baby to call my own. I just want that. I don't want anything else." She cried
"And I promise you, you will have a baby to call your own and I'll be with you every step of the way." Puck kissed her cheek. It was going to be a long journey, but it was going to be one that was worth it.

Okay, last update of the night. It's about to be 12 here and I got to go to sleep.
Sleep tight❤️
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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