Music Shuffle II

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Summary: Music Shuffle: Over You by Miranda Lambert

Santana walked into the empty house that she grew up in. It was now hers, but she didn't want. It didn't feel like home without her parents.
Her father had died 2 years ago, leaving her mother all alone. Her mother had died two weeks ago and they had just buried her.
They had died young. All of her other friends parents were still alive. It wasn't fair.
Her father had died at 49 in a car crash. He had died on impact. He hadn't suffered and that made her feel better.
Her mother had died at 48 from a stroke. She had been in a coma for a while before her body shut down.
She missed her father's booming voice. She missed hearing her mother's laugh echo around the house. She missed the scent of vanilla that engulfed the whole house. She missed how they would greet her at the door everyday and how they would get excited for her to come and visit after she left the house. She missed her parents.
The house now seemed sad. Her mother laugh didn't echo anymore. Her father wasn't on the couch watching television anymore. She found no comfort in it like she use to.
The were pictures of her and her parents on the wall. There was of their wedding day. There was one of her in her mother's arms as a newborn. The most recent one of them together was two months before her father had died. It was one where her father was given a prestigious award for his work in the medical field.
Her parents' death was something that she wouldn't forget. She would never forget her parents and she would hold a special place in her heart for them.

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