Visiting Quinn

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Summary: Santana goes to visit Quinn in the hospital after she was in the car crash

Santana walked into the room. Quinn was hooked up to a whole bunch of wires. Her eyes watered as she saw her friend lie in bed. She hadn't been the first person to come and visit. The whole glee club had been here. She wasn't going to come in the first place. She didn't want to see her friend hooked up to machines. She finally came when her mom convinced her to come and see her.
She put the bear and balloons on a table besides the bed. The room was filled with presents from the glee club. She sat besides Quinn. She grabbed hold of Quinn's hand
"Hey Q, I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. I didn't want to see you hooked up to a whole mess of machines. I've heard that you're conscious, so that's good. It's too bad that you're asleep right now. I was so scared when I learned that you were in an accident. I felt my heart drop. You can't die, Quinn. What would I do without you? You can't die." She sobbed.
"I'd never thought I'd live to see Santana Lopez cry." Quinn said, softly. Santana raised her head. Quinn stared at her.
"Thank god you're okay." She hugged her tightly.
"Yea, I mean I can't walk, but besides that I'm good." Quinn smiled
"You scared the crap out of me, Q. I thought you died."
"But I didn't and that's all that matters."
"Brittany was a mess when she found out. She was so sad. I don't think I've ever seen her cry that much."
"Yea, I know. When she came to visit me, she just cried. She kept making sure I wasn't dead. I finally calmed her down and told her I wasn't going to die. She texts me every few hours to check if I'm okay."
"Britt is just worried."
"I think it's sweet. She means well. Maybe a little over protective."
"Britt is the best." Santana smiled.
"Visit hours are over." A nurse told them
"I'll see you, Q." She kissed the blonde's cheek.
"Bye San." Santana walked out. Santana sighed. Her best friend was okay and that was all that mattered

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