For Our Shooting Star

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A week ago, we learned that Naya left us. I was completely devastated. Naya helped me through some of the darkest times in my life and saw me through nights I thought I wouldn't survive.

She died saving the person she loved the most, her beautiful son. Naya always said that Josey was her greatest achievement. She spent her last moments knowing that her baby was safe. Naya died a hero.

The tributes that people have done for her just shows how many lives she touched and how many lives she's changed. Her memory lives on in the memories and in the hearts of those who loved her.

I pray for her family, her friends and especially her son. They lost their friend, their sister, their daughter and Josey lost his mother. I cannot imagine they pain they felt and will continue to feel. I hope they find peace and that they heal.

To Naya, all I have to say is thank you. You changed my life and without you, I would not be me. I will miss you today, tomorrow and always.

In loving memory of our shooting star. We won't forget you. Rest in Peace. Rest in Power. Rest in Love.

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