Mother's Day

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Summary: Santana loves Mother's Day

"Mamí! Mamí! I got you something!" Henry, her 5 year old son, came running up to her.
"What do you have for me?"
"It's a surprise. You can't see it until later." He smiled.
"Can I at least get a clue?"
"No. You have to wait, mamí." Henry ran off to his room.
Santana shook her head. Henry was her pride and joy. He made her happy. He was perfect.
Being a single mom wasn't easy. She managed two jobs to keep a roof under their heads. She didn't mind skipping meals as long as Henry didn't go hungry. It was hard, but seeing Henry smile made it all worth it.
He wasn't planned. He wasn't meant to happen.She was 23 when she got pregnant.
She was just a woman in New York looking for fame. Henry changed that. She had to give up her dreams. She had to get another job. She had to think of her baby before herself.
It was rough to go through labor all by herself. She didn't have anyone there to tell her words of encouragement. No one was there to hold her hand. No one was there to help her through the pain. It was just her in a cold and lonely delivery room.
The first year was a hard one. She had no idea what to do. She basically learned everything from parenting books and the Internet. She spent plenty of sleepless nights trying to soothe her teething baby. She spent afternoons trying to calm her colicky son. She spent days trying to lower the fever and help her tiny sick one feel better.
"Mamí, close your eyes!" She closed them. She heard his footsteps. "Open them."
He gave her a card. It had a drawing of him and her together and red paint was used to draw a heart. She looked at the inside.
"To the best mami in the world. Te amo." Her eyes watered as she read the card out loud. Sure, to others the card would probably be trash, but to her it meant the whole world.
"I love it. Gracias." She hugged him.
Despite all the hardships she had to go through. She wouldn't change being a mother for the world.

Happy Mother's Day to all the good mothers out there. Y'all are appreciated. In other news, today is Naya's first Mother's Day. How exciting.
Hope you all have a great day!
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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