Christmas in New York

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Summary: Santana spends Christmas with Kurt, Rachel and a friend

"Merry Christmas!" Rachel yelled into to Santana's ear.
"Berry, it's 6:30 a.m." Santana mumbled, rolling over.
"But it's Christmas!" Rachel pushed Santana out of the bed.
"Rachel, leave Santana alone. Snixx is going to make an appearance very soon." Kurt told Rachel
"We made cookies and we have to open the presents."
"Fine, but there better be coffee." Santana grumbled, getting up from the floor
"Of course!" Rachel skipped to the kitchen
"What's gotten into her today?"
"She's just excited that it's Christmas. She's like a little kid." Kurt commented
"Santana, come and eat your cookies!"
"Your cheeriness makes me want to barf."
"Brighten up a bit, Santana. It's Christmas." Rachel shoved Santana, playfully
"Whatever." Santana ate her cookies.
"Hurry up! I want to open the presents!" Rachel pulled Santana towards the tree.
"Rachel, calm down! We have a whole day to celebrate Christmas." Santana sighed
"Not if we want to do what I have planned. We have exactly 15 minutes to open presents. I'll open mine first." Kurt rolled his eyes. Rachel would be the only one to have a schedule on Christmas morning. Everyone had a total of 4.
"From Kurt." Rachel read out loud. She opened the bag. It was a sweater.
"Oh Kurt, I love it!" Rachel immediately put it on. "Santana open yours next." Santana got the one that Kurt had boughten her.
"A sweater! Great." She tried to sound happy.
"We all match! I bought one for myself too." Kurt put the sweater.
"Santana, put yours on." She put the sweater. She began to scratch her arm.
"It's really itchy."
"Yea, but you'll get use to it." Kurt smiled.
"Kurt, your turn." Kurt got the one that Rachel had boughten him.
From Rachel. Merry Christmas! You're the best and..."
"Okay, we don't have to read the love note ManHands wrote. Get on with it!" Santana snapped. Kurt rolled his eyes and opened the bag. It was a scarf that he had wanted.
"Oh my god, Rachel! Thank you so much!" He hugged her. Rachel opened the other present that she got from Kurt. It was a ticket to watch her favorite musical.
"Kurt, I love you!" Rachel hugged him.
She opened the other present she got from Kurt. It was a pair of jeans she had been wanting to buy.
"Kurt, I could kiss you!" Santana squealed
"No, thanks." Kurt blushed. Kurt got the second present that Rachel got him. There was a noise coming from the other end of it. He turned it over and saw that it was open
"Rachel, why is this open?"
"Look inside!" Kurt put his hand in. He was felt something fuzzy. He pulled it out.
"A kitten! I've always wanted one!" He played with the cat.
It was Rachel's turn. She got the one from Santana. She could see a signature on it
"Is this what I think it is?" Rachel's hands were shaking from excitement. She ripped away at the wrapping paper. It was a signed poster of Barbra Streisand. It was limited edition and was in a glass case.
"No way! I owe you my life, Santana. How'd you get your hands on this?"
"This collector was selling it. It was pretty expensive, but I managed to pay for it."
"Thank you." Santana nodded. She went to open the present that Rachel had gotten her. It was a box of earrings.
"They're pretty. Thanks." It was Kurt turn. He opened the one Santana got him.
"A gift card to the Cheesecake Factory." It was Kurt's favorite place to eat.
"Now you can treat me to lunch." Santana smiled. Rachel opened her last present. It was a makeup kit.
"I was running low on makeup." Rachel said
"You are welcome. I saved your ass from going out without it." Santana rolled her eyes
"I'm a natural beauty."
"Whatever floats your boat." Santana opened the last one. It was a pair of black heels.
"Oh wow! Are these the ones I've been looking at for the past three weeks?"
"Yup. I saved up to buy them."
"Thanks, Rachel. I've got to say you've given me the best presents."
"Hey!" Kurt feigned hurt.
"Sorry, but this sweater is horrible!" She complained.
"Whatever." Kurt looked under the tree to find it empty.
"Santana, you forgot Kurt's second present. We agreed on two."
"I didn't. It should be here any minute." The doorbell rang. Santana walked over and opened the door. Blaine is standing at the door, covered in snow.
"Oh my god! Blaine, I've missed you." Kurt ran to Blaine and hugged him.
"I've missed you too. Without you, there's an empty hole in my heart. Now you're here to fill it."
"Wanky!" Santana commented.
The spent the rest of the day watching movies and singing Christmas songs. It was very, Merry Christmas for the four of them.

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