Driving You Home

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Summary: Santana texts Mr. Schue for help after drinking

His phone rings just as he was finishing up grading papers.


"Mr. Schue, can you pick me up?" She said softly. He could tell she had been crying.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at a club. The one Oak and West street." He knew exactly what bar she was at. It was in a sketchy area of Lima.

"Stay on the phone. I'm getting in the car right now."

He pulled up fifteen minutes later. She was standing to the side. The men outside leered at her. He couldn't hid his disgust.

"Can you drop me off at Q's place? I let her know I was coming." He nodded.

Santana reached over to undo his belt. He nearly crashed.

"What are you doing? Stop that." He pushed her away.

"I wanted to thank you."

"A verbal one is just fine."

"You don't want me to blow you?" She sounded surprised.

"No. You're my student, not to mention, a child. That would be inappropriate. It's creepy and illegal."

"No one does anything without wanting something in return. In my case, it's almost always sex that they're expecting."

"I helped you because you're my student and I want you to be safe. I'd rather drive in the middle of the night than wake up to find out that you died." He explained.

"Men are men. I just thought you'd react the same." She shrugged.

"You shouldn't hang out with people who demand sex from you. Surround yourself with people who respect you. Do you understand me?" He couldn't help but feel protective. The glee kids were like his kids. He'd do anything for them.


"Respect yourself. You're worth more than just sex, Santana. You have an amazing voice. You're clever, and you're quick on your feet. Plus, you speak another language. That's more than many people in Lima can say. Hell, that's more than I can say."

"You really think that highly of me?"

"Yes. As a teacher, it's my job to encourage my students, not discourage them. If I care, I would be in the wrong profession and I most certainly wouldn't have picked you up." He parked outside of Quinn's house."

"Thanks Mr. Schue. You're pretty cool... sometimes."

"No problem."

Hey y'all. It's been a long time, hasn't it? College, man. What can I say? I'm really glad to see people are still reading. 

As always, I'm open to request. I can't promise I'll be updating frequently, but I'll try to whip something up. 

Since the last time I posted, I've been dabbling in other fandoms. Somehow, I always end up returning to Glee. I guess I'm a 🤡.

For the sake of this oneshot, let's pretend Mr. Schue was actually a good teacher. 

Lastly, this is the 69th part to this piece of work. I guess we can say it's.... wanky. (I'll see myself out). 


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