Teen Pregnancy

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Summary: Quinn's reaction to finding out she's pregnant. Italics are thoughts

Quinn emptied her stomach for the third time that day. She had been feeling nauseous for the past few weeks. She played it off as a stomach bug, but a stomach bug doesn't last a few weeks. She looked at the calendar. Her period was late. It was really late. Could it be possible that she was pregnant? It couldn't be. It was her first time. It shouldn't be happening to her. It should be happening to someone else. Anyone but her. How could she have been so stupid? She should of made he was wearing a condom. She should of avoided him all together. She should have not drank another wine cooler. She should have been more cautious.
She got the tests she had bought the other day. She had been trying to avoid taking them, fearing the worst. It was now or never. She peed on the three test and waited for the results. A million thoughts in her mind. What I am going to do? What if I really am pregnant? How I am I supposed to take care of a baby? She had to think happy thoughts. She wasn't pregnant. She couldn't be. Three minutes had passed, but she couldn't bring herself to look. Do it Quinn don't be a wimp. She looked at the sticks. They were all positive. She was,in fact, pregnant. Tears slid down her face. Her life, her morals, her new found popularity all down the drain because of a stupid party. It was all over and to make it even worse, it wasn't Finn's. She had everything and now she has nothing. Her parents wouldn't like this, Finn would dump her and no one associates with a teen mom. Her reign was over and her downfall was just beginning. Quinn Fabray's crown was falling and there was nothing she could do about it.

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