Music Shuffle VI

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Summary: Music Shuffle: Battlefield by Lea Michele

She loved Brittany. She really did. Brittany made her happy and vice versa, but more recently it seemed like they were yearning for something else. She enjoyed Brittany's company, but sometimes she wanted someone else. Someone who wasn't Brittany.
They soon started fighting. They couldn't agree on much. Sometimes they would argue over the stupidest things. The end was coming soon, but neither of them wanted to admit.
The relationship seemed like a good idea, but it became a war. They were supposed to be united, but now they were only fighting each other.
They were scared to let go. They were each other's comfort zone. They only felt secure when they were with each other, but the relationship was doing nothing but hurting them. Someone had let go, but neither wanted to take the first step into unknown territory.
It was scary to travel somewhere where no had treated before. It was unusual be with someone you usually spent the day with. It was weird to feel vulnerable. They did not like to feel vulnerable.
Someone had to let go, but for now it seemed like they were stuck in the same cycle of hurt.

I'm not really much of a Lea Michele fan. I think I only listen to 3 of her songs including this one. She's okay, I guess.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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