Heart Break

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Summary: Santana gets her heart broken by a guy. Finn finds her in the hall crying. She's not lesbian in this one-shot.

Finn walked down the hall. He heard a sob followed by a sniffle. He looked around for the source. He found Santana huddled in a corner.
"San, what's wrong?"
"Daniel kissed Sandra. How could he? I thought he loved me. We were the perfect couple." She said, her voice cracking. Daniel was a dude on the football team. He never really liked him. He was a douche.
Finn hugged her. She cried into his chest. He was suddenly overcome with anger. How dare someone hurt his friend like this? Santana was a strong person and she only cried when she was really hurt. The bastard had definitely crossed the line. He would pay the next time he saw him.
"Let's get to glee club." He wrapped his arm around her. They walked towards the room. From a distance he could see Daniel with his arm around Sandra. He felt his anger flare up. Santana looked up. He could see a new round of tears threatening to fall from her eyes. He wasn't going to let him hurt her any longer. Finn tackled Daniel to the ground.
"Finn, stop!" She yelled out, but he didn't listen. He slammed him into the locker and punched him. The glee club ran out to see what the commotion was. They looked at the scene. Finn and Daniel were fighting. Santana was in the middle trying to stop them from hurting each other. She was shoved aside like a rag doll. She fell to the floor.
Puck restrained Finn and Sam restrained Daniel. Quinn and Brittany ran over to help Santana up. They walked back into the room.
"Finn, why the hell were you fighting with Daniel?" Puck asked.
"The prick cheated on Santana! He deserved it! Hopefully, I hurt him."
"Yea well, you definitely hurt Santana." Quinn rolled her eyes.
"It's all right just a small bump."
"Just a small bump! You fell pretty hard!"
"Quinn, you're not helping." Santana told her
"You're acting like it was something small. You could of been seriously hurt because of Finn." Quinn glared at him
"Finn didn't push me. It was Daniel." Santana sighed. Santana walked over to Finn. He was bleeding from a cut. She grabbed a cotton and dabbed it.
"Why'd you do that, Finn? He could of seriously hurt you!" Santana sighed
"He hurt you! He's not going to get away with that."
"I could of dealt with him myself." She said, softly
"How? By crying in the hall!" Everyone gasped. No one had ever seen Santana cry. And if you did, you would just look away and never say anything if you wanted to live. Everyone looked at Santana. She had clearly been crying. Her eyes were puffy and her voice was raspy.
"You didn't have to beat him up."
"He deserved it!"
"He did not!" They began to scream at each other.
"Whatever, if you're going to allow him to cheat on you with every girl, that's your problem. I'm out." Finn walked out.
"Wait, Finn." She walked out and followed him
"You're right. I shouldn't let him do that to me." She smiled
"You deserve something better."
"Thanks for caring." She hugged him
"Any time."

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