Phantom Pregnancy

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Summary: Forever and Always Verse: Santana has a phantom pregnancy. This is way before Santana ever got pregnant with Noah or had Avery.

Santana had been feeling sick for the last few days. She had thrown up for various times during the day. She had thought it was the stomach flu, but she was beginning to think she was pregnant.
She had been a bit moody as well. She had snapped at Puck for eating his mashed potatoes loudly and then cried when he apologized. Puck looked at her like she had grown two heads when it had happened, but he comforted her like the good husband he was.
She felt her heart speed up at the thought of having s child inside of her that was going to grow. She filled with happiness. Maybe everything was starting to turn around and they were finally going to have a child.
"Puck, I think I'm a pregnant." She smiled at him.
"A-Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I mean, I've been very hormonal, I have cravings and I've been throwing up a lot. That can only mean one thing."
"Oh my god, I think we're having a baby." Puck smiled. "I didn't want to say this, but now that I know your pregnant I'm going to go for it. You have been looking a bit bigger."
"A baby bump possibly?" She looked down at her stomach.
They made an appointment for the next day.
Santana was basically jumping in excitement. She couldn't wait to see the first image of her child even if he or she was just a small bean. She squeezed Puck's hands as they walked into the room.
He technician put the gel on her stomach and moved the wand around. She frowned and tried to locate the fetus, but she didn't find anything.
"Ms. Lopez, I'm afraid you're having a phantom pregnancy."
"A phantom pregnancy?"
"A phantom pregnancy is when the body mimics the symptoms of a pregnancy, but the female is not pregnant. It usually happens when the female has a such a strong desire to become pregnant so the body starts thinking it is." The doctor explained.
"So, I'm not pregnant?"
"No. I'm sorry." Santana nodded. She wiped the gel off and pulled down her shirt.
The drive home was silent and both of their hearts were broken into a million pieces. When they got home, everything crumbled.
"I'm so sorry. I can't give you a damn child. I'm broken." She cried.
"It's fine, Santana. I honestly don't care if we have one or not. I love you even if you can't have children. Nothing could ever change my mind." Puck hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.
"I thought I was pregnant, but apparently I wasn't. I was just throwing up for no godamn reason, being bitchy and getting fat. I'm a failure and now I'm fat."
"San, you didn't even gain much weight. It doesn't even matter if you're fat or not. Id love you either way." Puck comforted.
"I just want a baby. Is that too much to ask her?" She looked him in the eyes.
"No, of course not. I promise we'll get one one day."
"I hope that day gets her soon." Santana whispered. She really couldn't wait to have a baby in her arms.

I am back! I've been low on ideas, but this one just popped into my head. Anyways, please send in request. I promise I'll do my best when I write them.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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