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Summary: Quinn is heartbroken and Santana comforts her

Quinn ran down the halls. How could her life get any worse? She got pregnant at 16 and lied to her boyfriend. She was kicked out of her house and rejected by her parents. Finn found out the baby wasn't his and dumped her. They put the baby up for adoption and she regretted it ever since. Now, Puck had dumped her for some dumb bimbo.
Santana walked down the halls. Who needed  history, anyways? She was knocked down by some person and was ready to unleash her fury when she noticed it was Quinn.
"Shouldn't you be in class, Ms. Goody two shoes? Don't want to lose that admission into Yale, do you?" Santana smirked
"Leave me alone, San." She sniffled and got up
"What's wrong? Do I need to go cut a bitch?" Santana said concernedly
"It's nothing, Santana. Don't do anything rash."
"Tell me or I will do something rash."
"Puck broke up with me, okay?"
"Oh sweetie. You can do so much better than him. Plus, he's a Lima loser. Your sweet ass is going to Yale. You don't need him." Santana smiled at Quinn. "But if you want, I can still cut him." Quinn laughed
"As tempting as that offer is, I got to say no." Quinn wiped her tears away. "Thanks for making me feel better."
"Anytime Q. Oh and I'll make sure that Puck won't break your heart again." Santana walked off. Quinn smiled. She knew that Santana was going to make him pay for hurting her. Quinn laughed. Maybe then, he would know what pain truly was.

Hey guys! I meant to pat this a week ago and I forgot. Have a great day
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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