Senior Year

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Summary: Thoughts in Italics. Santana thinks about her senior year and her future.

"Prom is stupid." Santana grumbled. Her arms crossed over her chest. If her future children ever asked her about prom shed totally them to skip. It's a waste of time. She got all nice and pretty, not that she wasn't pretty every other day, for nothing. She wasn't prom queen. She didn't dance with anyone special. What a way to end her senior year.
Her senior year hasn't exactly been the best. Brittany was dating Artie despite saying that she loved her. Yeah right. Finn had outed her to basically everyone. Her abuela hated her. She got into a college somewhere she couldn't even bother to remember with a cheerleading scholarship. Shaking her ass for 4 more years. No thank you. At least she's get out of this shitty town to go to another shitty town. This was just another thing to add to the list. She just wanted to take her damn diploma and leave.
She was so damn pathetic. Everyone was off to do great things and she was headed to bumfuck nowhere to shake her ass.
Quinn was headed to Yale. Freaking Yale. She always ended up winning. No matter what. She had gotten knocked up, kicked out, taken back in, hit by a damn truck, confide to a wheelchair and she still ended up at better place than her. That bitch.
It wasn't fair. She wasn't supposed to be a loser. She wasn't suppose to settle. She was Santana Lopez, godamn it. She couldn't allow Berry, Lady Lips, Wheezy or fucking Tubbers be living their dreams when she wasn't. She had so much more talent than all of them combined and she could have gotten into Harvard if she had applied. So take that Quinn.
"Santana?" Quinn waved her hand in front of her face.
"What?!" She growled.
"Prom is over. Let's go." Oh, that's right. She carpooled with the glee club and sadly got stuck with Quinn. How fun. Nothing like an awkward ride he to seal the night.
Santana watched as Quinn drove. One day, she'd show them all who was the best. She'd show Quinn especially because fuck it all if she'd ever let Quinn Fabray win again.

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in a long time but I'm back. I've got a huge case of writers block and just haven't had any ideas. A couple of ideas popped into my head. Maybe it's finally going away. Enjoy!
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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