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Summary: Quinn goes shopping with a pregnant Santana

Quinn didn't know what was going on in her mind when she planned to go shopping with Santana. She now had to deal with her a hormonal pregnant woman.
"What do you think of this one?" Quinn held out a yellow dress.
"Ugly." Santana said
"This one?" A black dress
"How about this one?"
"What are you? Thirteen." Santana shook her head.
"Ugh, gosh. So mean." Quinn sighed as she collected a few other dresses.
They got one for Santana and then went to the dressing room, where a saleswomen held all the clothes they were trying on.
Quinn went first.
"What do you think?" She was wearing the black dress. Santana made a face  "What's wrong?" Quinn asked
"If I wasn't pregnant, I would look so much better in it." She shrugged.
She came out with a blue dress next.
"I think I'm going to gag. It's horrible."
"It's not that bad." Quinn defended Santana made a gagging noise.
Quinn put on a yellow dress.
"I think I am actually going to gag. I need a bucket." The saleswoman scrabbled to get the nearest trashcan. She got it to her just in time. The blonde just shook her head.
The worst part was when Santana tried on a dress. She had only chosen one. A gray one.
"Santana, come out."
"No." She sniffled. Quinn could tell that she was crying.
"I promise we won't laugh."
"Okay." She opened the door. The dress hugged her in all the right places and made her bump look cute.
"You look good."
"No, I don't! I look fat and ugly!" She wailed. Quinn hugged her.
"First of all, you're not fat, you're pregnant. Second of all, you look beautiful. Third of all, Puck is going to love the way the dress looks on you."
"You really think so?" Santana smiled
"I know so." Quinn reassured. Santana went back in and changed out.
The saleswoman rung them up. Santana was all smiles and rays of sunshine as she paid for both her and Quinn's dresses.
They drove home quite quickly.
"Okay, so I'm going to put on the dress before Puck comes home." Santana ran upstairs.
She came back down 30 minutes later with the dress on and her hair down.
"Woah, you're going to kill him."
"Momma getting some tonight." Santana purred
"Eww!" Quinn scrunched her face up.
The door opened and Puck walked in. His eyes almost fell out of his head.
"Well hello, you look gorgeous." Puck kissed her and then kissed her belly.
"I did this for you. What do you think?"
"I love it, but it'll look a lot better on the floor." He kissed her neck lightly. Santana moaned and began to unbutton Puck's shirt.
"Alright you horndogs, I'm out. Enjoy your day."
"Oh I will." Santana said breathlessly. Quinn practically ran out of the house.
That night was one of the most memorable for Santana and it all started with a day at the mall

Hola y'all. I'm currently on a pregnant Santana kick so expect a lot of those.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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