Unexpected Pt2- Revenge is sweet

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Summary: Revenge is best served cold

The family was all gathered around in the living room. Christina was now one. She had inherited Beth's blonde hair, but had dark brown eyes. She was a beautiful child.
Santana cleared her throat.
"Puck and I have an announcement. We're expecting!" Santana squealed. They had finally found time to start a family and Santana couldn't be more excited.
"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys." Quinn hugged them both. Beth did the same.
"You finally got around to it. It was about time." Beth joked
"Hey, when we tried to get it on you would yell at us for having old people sex." Puck said.
"Yea, you would sass us all the time when you were pregnant." Santana mentioned
"That wasn't me, that was my alter ego." Beth refuted
"Yea well, have fun dealing with Snixx." Santana smiled

3 months later
"Beth, can you massage my feet?" Santana yelled
"Ugh, Santana, I just got Christina to sleep. Keep it down." Beth whispered
"Rub my feet."
"Really? Are you serious?"
"I'm serious." Santana nodded. Beth groaned
"Man, your feet stink." Beth muttered
"I heard that."
"You were meant to."
"Hey, remember when I told you when you were pregnant that it would come back and bite you in the ass. Well, that time is now. Revenge is sweet." Santana smiled
"Ugh, I hate you."
"Yeah whatever, Eggo-no-Preggo."
"Now you're using my own insult against me?! What a cruel, cruel world we love in. I never thought I would live to see the day where my own insults would be use against me. Woe is me!" Beth said dramatically
"Oh, cry me a river." Santana rolled her eyes.

5 months later
Santana was lying down on the couch.
"Santana, move your legs. I'm tired." Puck groaned picking up Santana's leg
"You move my leg, I cut your dick." She growled. Puck walked away
"She's in a bad mood." Quinn commented
"Shut it, blondie. Don't make me cut you."
"Jeez, I was just saying."
"'I was just saying'" Santana mimicked "Well next time, keep your mouth shut."
"San, don't be so mean." Beth scolded
"Lizard child, don't butt into this." Santana dismissed her
"She's been unbearable lately." Beth whispered.
"Tell me about it. Poor Puck." Quinn sympathized
Santana walked upstairs. Puck sighed in relief as he sat down. Santana came down a few minutes later
"Alright, let's roll ." Santana said, slinging the baby bag over her shoulder
"To have a baby. Where else?"
"Your water broke?"
"Yup, that wet spot right there is where my water broke."
"Eww!" Puck squealed
"Let's go. I don't have all day!" Santana yelled.
She was surprisingly calm while in labor. Santana was really relaxed.
"How does she look so fabulous while in labor?" Beth asked
"I don't know, but it's not fucking fair." Quinn grumbled
Arden Rose Puckerman was born at 3:22 pm. She was a beautiful little girl. She was a true beauty. She was everything good and pure. She was perfect

I'm sorry if it's crappy. It's 12:23 am and I'm fucking exhausted. Sleep tight.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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