Update: Part 2

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Hello everyone,

As many of you know, we lost Naya. She was a beautiful, amazing soul. May she rest in peace.

I have made the decision to end this collection of oneshots here. As of now, I can't write anything Santana related. It pains me to even hear her sing. I miss Naya terribly. In the future, when the wound isn't as new, I may come back. If I find the need to write about Santana, I might post it. I just don't know if it'll happen. So for that fact, I will mark this as completed.

This collection has been four years of work. I started this as just a way to get ideas out of my head. I didn't really care about grammar, consistency or the quality which is quite evident. Thank you for those who read my godawful writing. Y'all are real troopers. I wish you all the best. And who knows, I might be back.

Much love,
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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